STEAM VESSELS. HEN 2 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | & g OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. ] 2 a 5 NAME OF VESSEL 6 d = AND INCHES. ya SYMBOLS OF 2 BUILDERS. MANAGERS, CYLINDERS. ; 8 a rite : B e fa CONSTRUCTION; % = ae SYSTEM Bes 3 BUILDERS. y DIMENSIONS. | FURNACES. mien. ba Bok eee ee ee eee Cee ' ; & BP : PORT OF HAIL. 5 Grow.| 3p g 3 6 g 5 A AND ABBREVIATIONS. 5S WHERE BUILT. CLASS. ADDRESS, g 5 OF : Diameter in : : : 3 WHERE BUILT. g TYPE. é 2 ge ij WHERE BUILT. é ENGINES Inches. Ne.) G0 | FS | 8s z ég| "R | 2x DATS. . A § & 3a DATE, 75686| Tug. | H.C. Curtis --------- Can.| Oak. | 86] 62°4°| 18'S") 6°64] -1 | Da 1878| ...------------------- ---- W.H. Davis .-----] -- | .------ }--| -------- od bee ee ett eb hele Prescott, Que. 25 Quebec, Que. Ottawa, Ont. Cee er 205145] Prop.| H. Dahike-..---.---- Am.| Steel.}| 620 | 152'0"| 34/071 10'0"| 1 | & © Js[Sand Sucker 1907| Manitowoc Dry Dock Co.} __-- Lake Sand Co. ...-.-- F. & A. 16-34 |26/ 400 |125 | MontagueIronWks. Scotch. 11'6" os 140 | Johnston Bros Chicago, Il. 409 Manitowoc, Wis. Chicago, Il. Comp. Montague, 1907. ee Ferryaburg, 1907. oe 95285| Prop.| H. D. Coffinberry ----- Am.| Oak: | 7781 191'0"! 33°0"| 20°60") 1 Jee .. 2 1874) Arnold... g ae Geo: ¥. Bell. .c i Dble. 2-16 36 | 625 | 95 |GlobeIronWks. Co. Fire-box. 10'0" 2 ' P Cleveland, O. y £09 He. Il J East Saginaw, Mich. -- Toledo, Ohio Stple.Comp. 2-32 Cleveland, 1874. wer ere a oe -- 85492 | Tug. | Heather Belle_------- Can.|. Oak; |: 20. | 60'0"212'6*!) 67S) 1° 4... oe $882 Morrill 2005 ak W.8S. Richmond ..,.1 .-|] (oe PA at i Collingwood, Ont. 13 Re. '95. | Meaford, Ont. Parry Sound, Ont. Ce be ee 107618.) Prop,] Hebron ..:.-.--.-...-|.Can.| Osk. | 140) 95'4"1 24:07) 80°) 1 {12 a eae eee 2 POO8 | oc os ae a A. Clarke ......--i.4 21] d46225 iy dee a i a Ottawa, Ont. 98 Ottawa, Ont. Cornwall, Ont. ee 112061 | Tug. | Hector ....... 0...) Cah! O87 G6 67' 671 16'67 1 90"! 2) Le 1873 | Stanton (2 2 ob M. J. Hogan .......1 ..) 222 OO ee a a ce St. Catharines, Ont. 45 Re. '03. | Port Colborne, Ont. Port Colborne, Ont. Se a .-«0--| Tug. | Helena ..-..--......] Cam] Steel,| 263 | 110°0*| 23°07 | 13'6" | 1 i Gage, fe 1906 | Collingwood Ship Bldg.]| __-_- Dominion Gov't..-.- Triple 15-25-41 | 25] 800 |170 |Collingwood Ship Scotch. 13'6" 60 | 2120|180| Collingwood Ship Halifax, N. 8. 179 Co., Collingwood, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Exp. Bldg. Co., Collingwood, 1906. Bldg. Co., Collingwood, 1906. 120654| Prop.| Helen C...-.--------| Am.| Oak. | 622 | 186'0"| 34'2"114'10" 1 [1+ A Js] fj Gg_------__- 1874) Az Simpson 20. 2 90CF oi) |W. C. Brown ...:-; - F.& A. 18-44 |36|____]_._ | MontagueIronWks. Scotch. 13/0" 1. 2140 Manitowoe Bteah a a itis 460 Hatches 24'¢. 1 Comp. Re. 01, | Chatham, Ont. Plymouth, Mich. Comp. Montague, Mich.,1874.Re.'01. Boiler Wks.,Manitowoc 1901. 96270 | Prop.| Helen Taylor -------- Am.| Oak. 43 6676" 30'S" 1 4/081 Toe. Yo 6 PEO i Ro ee ee Cartier Lumber Co. #4 2% | 2 ee BL 33 Grand Haven, Mich. Ludington, Mich. Ce Pee ee 204346 | Prop.| Hemlock... ..------- Am.| Steel. | 4796 | 420'0"|52'0"]28'0"| 1 |Ch.S BUG Y J --- |1907| Bay City Ship Bldg. Co.] ___- Interlake S. S. Co. ._- Triple 22-35-58 |42|1500| 83 | Detroit Ship Bldg. Scotch. 13'9" 91.6 4640| 180) Detroit Ship Bldg. Fairport, 0. 3501 Arches.| Hatches 12'¢. 4 Comp. Bay City, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Detroit, 1907. Induced Draft. Co., Detroit, 1907. 86016 | Prop.| Hennepin - ---------- Am,,| Oak, | 990 | 208°0*135°0" [12'4") 4 jar 0 ge 1888 | Wolf & Davidson _-.--- 8 Lake Shore Stone Co. Steeple. 20-36 |30]| 475 | 87 |Sheriffs Mfg. Co. Fire-box. 6'6" _... |... 1120 | Lake Erie Boil. Wks Nee Geo. H. Dyer. 639 Re. '02. | Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. Comp. Milwaukee, 1888. Buffalo, 1888. : 138094 | Prop. Henry 6. Yel. ut Can.| Oak. | 1190} 220'0"| 35'0"|17'6"| 1 |X pays] Ab --------- 1881 | Detroit Dry Dock Co. --| 90CF 4-19} | Wilson-Paterson Co. Steeple. 234-48 |36] 415 | 82 | Christie & DeGraff Scotch. 13°4" 66 | 2359! 150| Globe Iron Wks. ee Que. ki 618 H. B. | Hatches 22'¢. 1 Comp. Detroit, Mich. Lake Eri r, Only,} | Montreal, Ont. Comp. Detroit, 1881. Cleveland, 1899. '<2 202443 | Prop. Henry C. Frick. ....__]| Am, | Steel. | 6490] 549'0"/56'0"/31'0"| 1 |ChS. @@ Blu 1905 | Bay City Ship Bldg. Co.| _--- Pittsburg $. §. Co. .- Triple 24-39-65 |4211800/ 80 |American Ship Scotch. 15'43" 132 | 5964 | 170 | American Ship Bldg. -- 5016 Arches. | Hopper. Hatches 12'¢. 2 Comp. Bay City, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1905. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1905, SOAR > 2 'ha hn "hit . >; 4 * 150587 | Prop. Henry Cort Sree ete Am. | Steel. 7 320°0" |42'0" [27'0 l (Bs. 5 2... 1892| American Steel Barge Co.} ___- -4 | Pittsburg 8. S. Co. _- Triple. 23-37-62 | 42/1400} 78 |S. F. Hodge Co. -- Scotch. 13°93" 90 |____ |160|Marine Iron Wks... a. Pillsbury 3° Arches. pit cab eo pie ct Tope io Re'19 | West Superior, Wis. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Detroit, 1892. : Toledo, 1911. E & E Draft. 2 ao i R'oe 'on 'hit : a ' . ' fe . 213149 | Tug. | Henry E. Gillen -- ---- Am. | Steel. | 96 | 75'0"|20'0" |12'0 1 Js] @ Coastwise Service... |1915 | Great Lakes Eng. Wks.-| ---- Coastwise Trans. Co. F. & A. 14-28 | 26] 380 |115 | Manistee Iron Wks. Fire-box. T'¢" wwed ul OL & Ashtabula, O. Boston, Mass. Comp. Manistee, 1892.