HGB STEAM VESSEL». . HGB 3 g DIMENSIONS IN FEET | & g ov OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. . si & ts oe z AND INCHES. vi SYMEOLS OF 5 icone a a ned MANAGERS, CYLINDERS. Fig : oO S i 7 i NAME fee. c F = a 4 ocesneetion: 2 é g eee % | SYSTEM oo 3 ; 3 5 BUILDERS. a. § DIMENSIONS. FURNACES. S BUILDERS. i 3 = x) ba z S135 , 6 fl, 3e| or |8 s3| © 8 |22| WHEREBUILT. |$? TYPE £8) s8s/| Fee WHERE BUILT < ES 5 2 fe E lerm.| 22 | 23 A AND ABBREVIATIONS. WHERE BUILT. CLASS, g ADDRESS, 3 4 | Diameterin | $¢} 32 | 93 - 18/8 . : 4 gge| 28e : A fe PORT OF HAIL. < iros o a g a on| 8/1568 Ga|s q : : 3° A | Na, Sai. é s Be A 3 : a § 3 02 | ENGINES Z Inches. | £3 a Bz é DATE. a : Q 5 53 Z 3: g| ae DATE. 95694! 'Tug. Brower ____- Aan Oak. 230 pb/35 36°00 Se" 4072 Be oc oe ae amt) oe John Schroeder Lum-] -.-| Non 1 12 14] 75 |140| Ottawa Iron Wks.] _- | 1/] Scotch. 6/6") 970" TE 20°} ._.. | 160) Ogdensbargiron Wks 2.) 4...) .. --* ue : ner Senne a 15 -Re'19 | Grand Haven, Mich. ber Co. Cond. Ferrysburg, Mich., 1876. i na wae 1914, 214051| Prop, Henry G. Dalton_-_--- Am.| Steel.| 7810] 580'0"| 60'0"| 32'/0"| 1 | GJs{f eae Long Sys. --.-- 1916} American Ship Bldg. Co.} ---_| -| -.- Interlake 8. S. Co. ..| --| Triple | 3] 2423-41-65] 42} 1800} 88 | AmericanShipBldg.| -.| 3} Scotch. 13'6"| 11°0'| 6| 137} 6405] 180) American Ship Bldg} ...} ...| ... Fairport, O. 6092 ; Arches. ae Side Tanks, Hatches, 12'¢ Lorain, O. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Co., Lorain, O., 1916. Co., Lorain, O., 1916, 96236| Tug.| Henry Gust --------- Ami Oak: ) 301°:00 O79: 16'0% 7/O0'l. bot) ee 1608) Siu ee ee ---- | --| --- J. W. Cornell {:..2.4 1.) eee, a 14} 16} 180 | 120| Vulean Iron Works} -_| 1} Fire-box. 60") 10°0"| Ti. 38") 025 | 280) Joineton Broa: 1. .t ...| .--1° 5. Milwaukee, Wis. 18 : Milwaukee, Wis. Detroit Harbor, Wis. Non Cond. Milwaukee. Ferrysburg, 1893. 203332| Prop, Henry H. Rogers ----- Am,| Steel.| 7053] 580/0"| 58/0") 32'0"| 1 |Ch.S.@ UIs A -----| 1906} Chicago Ship Bldg. Co. -} ____| -| --- Pittsburg 8. 8. Co. _.] --| Triple | 3) 24-39-65 | 42} 1875} 83); American Ship] --| 2} Scotch. 15'43"| 11'6"|6] 26 | 5964; 170} American Ship Bldg.J ---| -. |] -- Duluth, Minn, 5444 Arches.| Hoppers. Hatches 12'¢. 8 Comp. Chicago, I]. : Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1906. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1905, 96625, Tug.| Henry Koorber, Ir...) Ams Osh: S45 69°07 10°50" S'S 1 ile DOO [os ee Pix Bros. 223. yo a) boo oo eee od oo eer a potted 6c ee OT Walt caech cet moe e ee ke Cea licwst oes Buffalo, N. Y. 57 Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. 204136] Prop| Henry Phipps-------- Am.| Steel.} 7240} 580'0"| 58'0"| 32'0"| 1 {Ch S. BO &IJs[ U A ----|1907| Bay City Ship Bldg. Co. Hao pe oe Pittsburg S. 8. Co. .-].-.]| Triple | 3} 24-39-65 | 42]; 1880} 80} American Ship] --| 2} Scotch. Le' 0" 21°6") | Laas - 2) 100) American So Bide ~ 2.1 2.27 «ne Duluth, Minn. 5450 Arches.| Hopper. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Bay City, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1907. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1907. 96584] Prop. Henry Steinbrenner. --| Am.| Steel.| 4719) 4200") 50'0"| 28'0"| 1 |ChS.@O Gs, AU ----| 1901] Jenks Ship Bldg. Co._..] ____| --| --- Kinsman Trans. Co. .| ®&| Triple | 3} 23-38-63 | 40| 1750] 85 | JenksShipBldg.Co.} &| 3} Scotch. -12'6"| 12'0"| 6] 140 | 5511] 180| Jenks Ship Bldg. Co.} ___| ---] --- Fairport, O. 3955 H. B. | Hatches 24'¢. 4 Comp. Port Huron, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Port Huron, 1901. Port Huron, 1901. 96098] Tug.| Henry Troy ---------. Am.| Oak. | 27 O10 14°00") G0"). Fk De 1891 oe ou ab Wm. Lohmann --___- od SP; f. 13 12) 125 | 190] Bloecker & Sons __| -_| 1} Fire-box. 5'3""| 8'6"| 1] 244) 875 | 125} Johnston Bros... --. acl weet se Milwaukee, Wis. 15 Grand Haven, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis. Non Cond. Grand Haven, 1891. Ferrysburg, 1891. 214466} Prop, Herbert F. Black - --~- Am.| Steel.| 6262} 504'0"| 54'0"| 30'0"| 1 | Long Sys. @ & Gd Js] 4 Uf -- | 1916] American Ship Bldg. Co.] @10Q 4 3-19 3-21 Donner 8. 8. Co...--]| @& | Quad. | 4] 234-38 | 42) 1800 85 AmericanShipBldg.| @| 2} Scotch. 15/42") 11'0"| 6} 90 |5736 |180 | American Ship Bldg. | 3-19} 3-21 319 Fairport, O. 4824 Arches, | Side Tanks, Hatches, 24'¢. 3 Comp. Lorain, O. M. = Haas & Co., Mgrs. Exp. 63-42 Co., Lorain, O., 1916. Induced Draft. Co., Lorain, O., 1916. Sleveland, oO 204393] Prop.) Herbert K. Oakes ----) Am.| Steel.| 6215) 504'0"| 54'0") 300") 1 |Ch. 8. @ @ GJ] l| & ----|1907| Great Lakes Engineering] @ 100) 2) 4-18) 4-20 Beaver 8. 8. Co. ....] ®& | Triple | 3] 23-37-63 |42]1765| 83 |Great Lakes Eng. | @ | 2| Scotch. 15'0"|11'6"| 6] ____| -___ | 175 | Marine Boiler Wks. | 4-18] 4-20} 4-19 Duluth, Minn, 4947 Arches Straight Side Tanks. Wics., Ecorse, Mich. H. K. Oakes, Mgr. Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1907. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1907. Nee Milinokett. Hatches 12'¢. 3 Comp. Cleveland, Ohio 122217} Tug. | Hercules: .:... +... Gand Steel 264) 100'0*%) 23'I"| 11'6") 1308. 1906 | Polson Iron Wks. _.-- -- a Fe es Minister of Publi¢d | -.] Triple. °73)°3§-22:36 + 21))--. 1...) Polson tren Wka fo [)) * 32) 2) 4 wh Gct ou Cel cael wee eeuw el eer. ae coal town - Toronto, Ont. 1387 Toronto, Ont. Works. Exp. Toronto, 1906. 81263] Prop| Herman H. Hettler -.-| Am.| Oak. | 789] 210'0"| 35/0" 14'2"| 1 Ja,-A THI Ta Ree £890 | J. Davidson 292 og. 100 | 2} 3-19) 3- H. H. HettlerLumber| -.| F.& A.|2] 22-42 |40] 483 | 88 |Frontier Engine] __|1] Fire-box. 9'6"|16'0"|2| 24 | 1625] 120| Lake Erie Boil. Wks.| 3-19} 3-21] 3-19 Chicaga. Tl. 3) 536 Hatches 24'¢ 1 Comp. Re. '13.| West Bay City, Mich. Co. Comp. Wks, Buffalo, 1890. Buffalo, 1890. ee Walter Vail. 'Fr Chicago, Ill. 97020} Tug. | Heward McMaugh--_--} Can.j Oak. } 42 47°O") 15°79" 8°04) 4) bee 4873) Haight: [eS db Se A M. P. Davis... a ee oO a a Coe ou eed 4 uP oe A a esaceeee el ele Hac hee te eos St. aa ng ay 29 Re.'98. | Buffalo, N. Y. . Ottawa, Ont. 96548) Tug. |] H. Ewig <->) cece Am.} Steel.| © 62 40°61 16'6"| 8°78 a A es a 1901 | Johnston Bros... A a | Illinois Stone Co, ...| ..|F. & A.|-- 14.28 |20| 200 |110 |Montague Iron ._--| --| 1} Fire-box. 770"? 12'0" 2) 2-1-2 | 140) Johnaton Bros viene cet StL a= Chicago, Il. 42 Ferrysburg, Mich. | Chicago, Ill. Comp. WE ose. Perrysburg, Mich, 95985; Tug.} H: G. Brooks -..._. =. Ami Oak.| 20 (57/0 14'0"] 5/0") 3 4. 2 19661 2 Gee ae ok Pe 1 Eugene Thompson ..| --| H. P. 1 18 12] 140 |150]| Sutton Bros. __.._]_.|1] Fire-box. A'4*) 7'6"11) 14 |}'244) 140 | M. Riter --...2022. waal pear ee 14 Buffalo, N. Y. | | Erie, Penn. Non Cond. | Buffalo, 1888. Buffalo, 1888. 58 | 58