HYD STEAM VESSELS. 4 SLEAM VESSELS. HYD E 2 DIMENSIONS IN FEET | & See | OWNERS OR ENGINES. BOILERS. |B . ; , " ' 1 + . do & is NAME OF VESSEL ; z AND INCHES. uo SYMBOLS OF D BUILDERS. : | MANAGERS, CYLINDERS. eo. 6s of 3 G f w 2 AND < a _ : --| i 5 CONSTRUCTION; : ce £ 2 i i FF So es-doog nen ee a6, eo : 3 5 5 § BUILDERS. abl ere ¢ g BUILDERS. a r a be b > ta si 'Cb MKAL. fe g Cicaes 4 a! = 3 4 3 a A AND ABBREVIATIONS. a WHERE BUILT. CLASS. g ¥ ' § i , f ADDRESS, BE OF 2 Diameter in g é 3 : 4 3 WHERE BUILT. BE Z TYPE. F J 3 gee ese a3 WHERE BUILT. A , & x a Net. . 25 A ov 3 o 4 n N Inch oO} wm Ss 2 nn 2) big! St " | Nee | fei be | &3 Ss £) 5 | be I ENGINES | 5| Inches. / $3) 83 iz DATE s a 5 S53 5a aie DATE, 816 96669 | Prop.| Hurlbut W. Smith ---- | Am. | Steel. | 4662 | 414'0" 50'0" {280%} FE 1Chs8. @ Y@ Ie] Bes. 1903 |American Ship Bldg. Co.} __-- | -.| -..] --.. 4 Great Lakes S. 8. Co.] -.| Triple | 3} 22-35-58 | 40} 1480; 90 | American Ship] -- | 2] Scotch. 13/2") 11'6"|4} 88 | 4292|170| American Ship Bldg.] ...| .-. |} --- Oswego, N. Y. 3415 Arches. eet Cone Lorain, O. ss Cleveland, Ohio Exp. Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1903. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1903. 212080 | Prop.| Huron..-.---.------ | Am. | Steel. [4810 |416'0" |56'0" |30'/0" | 1 |Ch..S. BWeolsT I Reeve 1914 |Great Lakes Eng. Wks.- | & 100} 2/ 9-19 9-21) 9.39 Wyandotte Trans. Co.| @&| Quad. | 4/194-284-41| 42|1775| 85 | Great Lakes Eng.]| @®} 2| Scotch. 14/9"/12'0"16)| 110 | 5192] 215) Marine Boiler Wks. | 9-19 | 9-21 | 9-19 Wyandotte, Mich. 3051 Arches. popes ve tOor Ecorse, Mich. wil Detroit, Mich. Exp. 60 Wks., Detroit, 1914. Forced Draft. Toledo, 1914. 15871738 | 8. Wal Maren. ois. cc tA ee. 538 1200'G" 1382°0" 121/012 Isl W fic 2 oe 1885 | Globe Ship Bldg. Co...i] _~.._| -_| -.4 23 Interlake Auto Trans.| -.| Beam | 4/464 120) 500 | 25 | Fletcher & Co. _._]~. |1] Fire-box. 13°6* 117'0° 12) 68 33985 175 iGlobe Iran Wks. Co. f ... | ©.) Toledo, Ohio. & Iron. 402 ass. & Freight Cleveland, O. ie Co. Cond. Hoboken, 1886. Cleveland, 1885. Nee Darius Cole. Toledo, Ohio 96425 | Prop.|Huron..------------ Am. |Steel. |1945 1238/0" |42'0" |26'6" | 2 |4Ch.S. QU eI A---- |1898 |Cleveland Ship Bldg. Co.} ---_ | -.| -..} ...] 2 Chas W. Morse & Co.]| --| Triple | 3] 1843-31-51 |36] 900 | 90 |Cleveland Ship] _-| 1] Scotch. 14°6"/11'6"|3) 55 | 2181] 170| Cleveland Ship Bldg.| -..| --.] --- 1309 Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp.. Lorain, O. ' New York, N. Y. Exp. Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1898. Forced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1898, Coastwise Service. | | 71216 } 7. 8) Huron. 69.40222..05 Oan. | Tron,: | 1062 1238°O" 75349" |12°8" 3° 1) JCar Herry. 2220. oe. 18D (Sinith 2 722%. 255 =: oon. 4 2) Grand Trunk R. R.|..| 2H. P. | 2 30 30] 900 | 80 | Wilson & McFar-| _-| 2] Scotch. 10'103"| 12'0"| 4) 80 | 2464] 120| DetroitShipBldg.Co.} -..| -..]| --- Sarnia, Ont. 688 Pt. Edward, Ont. 2 a esl ; Non Cond. lane, Dundas, 1875. Detroit, 1913. ontreal, Que. |; sa Tug. || Huron ......-.----.-| Am..| Steel. | 65. |.6848" 117/07 |11/0" | 1. |js] 2._._.....__..._..., 3. (2096 jGreat Lakes Towing Co. 7. +2) 2 | ee Great Lakes Towing] ..| H. P. {1 22 24) ____| 145] Great Lakes Towing] --| 1) Return. T'04) 13°0% 2) |} _. =|. 108) Great Lakes Towing! ...} ... 1... Duluth, Minn. Cleveland, O. Co. Non Cond. Co., Cleveland, O. Tubular, Co., 1915. Cleveland, Ohio 100948 | Tug. | Huron Belle....----- | Can.| Oak. | 27 BOO" 1190" 1 8 OF ol fo ee eG 1889 |Browhi #225 ook we Pe Ae ee ee G, A. Frazer../...0.) 2423 See So Bo es ech eb Collingwood, Ont. 18 Sand Beach, Mich. Simcoe, Ont. ; ' 107168 | Prop. | Huronic ..-----.--«- | Can. | Steel. [3330 |308'0" [43'0" |27/0" | 3) |~Ch.S. GO Gals A Lf --- {1902 |Collingwood S. B. Co. -. | ---- | --| ---| ---| - Canada Steamship | -- Triple 3} 26-42-70} 42) 2350)° 75! John Inglis & Song -j 4 Scotch. 12'6"| 1270°|12 2451. ....1 178 Jobn Inglis & Soned ...| -..| .<. Collingwood, Ont. 2211 Fr. & Pass. Collingwood, Ont. Lines Limited. Exp. Toronto, 1902. Toronto, 1902. Te alan : 211524 -| Prop.]! Hydro... ------ <=. Am. |Steel. }1282 |169'0" |40'0" |19'0" | 1 \Sand Sucker AY Bi. 1913 |Manitowoc.S. B.&D.D.1i .... |...) 22) 2a Hydraulic Sand & _.| BF. & A.j 2} 18-38 | 30): 550] 120) Marine Iron Wks.| --| 1} Scotch. 13/0", 12'6"| 3} 60 | 1900) 175) Manitowoc Boiler ge st ot Michigan City. Ind. 872 Co., Manitowoc, Wis. Tranatt Oo. : Comp. Chicago, 1913. Wks. Co., Manitowoc, 1913 'hicago, Il. 92929 | Prop. | Hydrus-..-.-------- | Am. |Steel. |4661 |410'0" |[50'0" |29'0" | 1 (ChS.@ © A Ue Jsk:--< (1899 4Globe Iron' Wks. Co:.2: |. .2.. | ~| --2 ee Interlake 8. S. Co. _.] --| Triple | 3} 21-334-57 | 42) 1400} 80 | Globe Iron Wks.Co.]| -- | 2} Scotch. 12'6"| 12'0"| 4| 84 | 4484| 180} American Ship Bldg.] -..| --.| --- PerDoe O. . 3116 Arches, Becerra ee - Arches & 12 ft. ¢. Cleveland, O. Cleveland, Ohio . Exp. Cleveland, 1899. Induced Draft. Co., Cleveland, 1904. ee M. A. Hanna. omp. in : 61 61