ISA STEAM VESSELS. ¢ DIMENSIONS IN FEET be : CLASSIFICATION 2 é 8 NAME OF VESSEL . 2 z AND INCHES. ay of SYMBOLS OF 5 BUILDERS. See Sec. 1, nies +1 * eS CONSTRUCTION; -- | 5 F naie ty init. fe g Gros] 3a: rE Pe a A AND ABBREVIATIONS. : WHERE BUILT. CLASS. : i a a : a S m1 oo" Cee | ee | 8 200920 | Prop. | Indianapolis__------- Am. | Steel. | 765 |186'0" |32'0" |12'0" | 3 fs) & | Pass. & Freight.. |1904 |Craig Ship Bldg. Co.....] --.- | --| -..] ...| .. 520 Coastwise Service. Toledo, O. 141717 | Prop.| Indus ....----------| Am. | Steel. | 3871] 356'0"|50'0" |28'0"| 1 |Ch. 8. @@eos[U & ------- 1901 | Bay City Ship Bide. Cot: 5. | on) oh. Fairport, O. 2997 Arches | Hatches 24'¢. 3 Comp. Reconstructed West Bay City, Mich, Nee Lake Shore 1914. 100031 | Prop, | 1. N. Foster. - -.----- Am. | Oak. | 365 1186'0":126'0" 118'0°:| 2 ler fb enc L872 \Oitemweralg . ok ed co I Sturgeon Bay, Wis. 277 Re. '08. | Port Huron, Mich. 96849 | 'T. S. | International -------- Can,| Mx. | 851 |210'0"|40'0" |12'8"| 1 WORRY 62 so ASTD |... pet eeh es eek soa EL pee th ast. eaten. Sarnia, Ont. & Iron. 559 Fort Erie, Ont. 212420 | Prop. | International -----~--- Am. | Steel. | 1815} 244'0"| 43'0"|19'2"| 1 |Ch. S&S. @OJsA ------- 1914 |Great Lakes Eng. Wks..| __.. | .:| .-- New York. 1343 Coastwise Service. Hatches 24'¢ Ecorse, Mich. 1 Comp 213378 | Prop. | International ---_--- -- Am. |Steel. | 1709] 244'0"|43'0" }19'2"| 1 |Ch.S. OW J] A w-.----- 1915 |Great Lakes Eyg. Wke.w] -... [ich |) i. New York 1146 Coastwise Service. Hatches 24'¢ Ecorse, Mich. 1 Comp. 184514 | Prop. | focolite ..........-- Can. | Steel. | 2060 |250'0" | 43' 25/6" 1 2 <A [Weds ccc 1916: | Collingwood 82B. Coe} os} icch oa}: Sarnia, Ont. 1548 Channel System 14 Compt't. 182746 | Prop.) tecema |....._---.- Brit. | Steel. | 1669 | 248'2"| 42'4"|15'4" | 1° |Oil Tank Ship Js] ------- 1912 |\Caledan So iB. @ Meg) $.5).2.)) sich a. Sarnia, Ont. 1035 Co. Ltd., Dundee, Scotland. 116064 | T.8 /lenie.......... ..... }Cam. jTrom, | 1708) 2310" | 35° 6* 1 24'6" | 2 ic) @ PM 1872 |King Iron Works____- Set ee oh cde Sarnia, Ont. 1080 Hatches 24'¢. 4Comp. Buffalo, N. Y. Nee Cuba. RIGSES. | LUG, © UOWA n+ nase coca, Am. |Steel. | 98 71°04) 30°07) 13'S" 1 ...-1 BIW i es 1915 |Great Lakes Thwing Gnd 51 2k cp shoe Duluth, Minn, 52 Cleveland, O. 100730 | Prop. | Iroquois ....--------- Am. | Steel. |1169 }200°0" |34'0" |21'3" | 3 |. @ GaJs] A Pass. & Freight |1901 |Craig Ship Bldg. Co....| _--_ | ..| --.] -- 795 Coastwise Service. Toledo, O. 111855 | Prop. | lroquois (The) -_----- Can. | Steel. | 2069 1247' 1°43 43'0" (25'6* | 2 oh eed Be I | ert Bnping Whee 4) 03. 4 Biochw : Toronto, Ont, 1452 Hatches 24'¢. 2 Comp. Toronto, Ont. Nee Tadenac. ' 100707 | Prop. | Isaac L. Ellwood__--- Am. | Steel. [5904 |478'0" |52'0" |30'/0"{ 1 [Ch.S. ed Js «~~ (1900 (Bay Git 7 Duluth, Minn. 4526 fe leew oe G3 Fal U6 To Bldg. Co.} ---- | --| ---| --- 201254 | Tug. | isabella .c.....0555/ Am. |Oaki<] 48 }-78'5°116'4" | 6/28:1-4 oo. ig oe eee te i ee ial Aor 29 Alexandria Bay, N. Y. 213102 | Prop. isabella H.----..-.. Am. |QOak. re 107'0" (24'0" 112'0" | 1 A nse a 1887 |Hivby 3621.55) 90 1 | 4-19] 4-20) 4-19 ee McCormick Re. '14 | Grand Haven, Mich. OWNERS OR ENGINES. MANAGERS. : wecstnordotsen ie an Tr <=» 3 BUILDERS. 5 ADDRESS, Peed : Diameter in i i WHERE BUILT. : ENGINES Inches. i Zz DATE, a + International 8. S.Co.| ..| Triple | 3} 18-30-50} 301 1500} 170) CraigShip Bldg.Co. 2| Scotch. 116"; 12'0"| 4) 87 | 3566) 200/ Kingston Iron Wks. Seattle, Wash. Exp. : Toledo, 1904. Oswego, 1904, Interlake 8. 8. Co. -- Triple | 3 | 22-35-58 |42/1480| 85] Detroit Ship Bldg. 2} Scotch. 132" |11'6" |4| 88 | 4292 /170 | American Ship Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio Exp Co., Detroit, 1901 Forced Draft Co., Cleveland, x808 Sturgeon Bay Stone & Steeple.| 2} 208-36 | 28} 295 | 100| Frontier Eng. Wks, 1| Fire-box. 970°; 14°0°1 2) 44 +1610; 1201 M. Biter .. co3...2. Trans. Co. s Comp. Buffalo, 1872. Buffalo, 1872. Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Lake Erie & Detroit $H.P. 4% 30 30} 560 | 70 | E. E. Gilbert ____- 2| Fire-box. 8'6") 14'6") 2; .. | ....} 100} John Inglis Co..... River R, R. Co. Non Cond. Montreal, 1872. Toronto, 1913. Walkerville, Ont. Clinchfield Nav. Co... Triple | 3} 16-269-45 | 33] 700 | 90 |Great Lakes Eng. 2| Scotch. 12'6"| 11'6"| 4} 80 | 3249) 180) American Ship Bldg, New York, N. Y. Exp. Wks. Detroit, 1914. Co. Lorain, 1914. Atlantic Coast S. S. Triple | 3} 16-263-45| 33) 700 | 90| Great Lakes Eng. 2| Scotch. 11'6"|11'6"|4| 72 | 1341} 180} American Ship Bldg. Co. J. L. Crosthwaite. Mgr. Exp. Wks., Detroit, 1915. Co., Lorain, 1915 New York, N. Y. Imperial Oil Co. Ltd. Triple- | 3) 16-26-44 |36 | 1023} 91 |CollingwoodS.B.Co. 1 | Scotch. 15'0" |11'0" {3} 72 | 2500 | 180 | Collingwood§, B.Co. Sarnia, Ont. Expansion Ltd., Collingwood, Ont.,1914 Ltd., Collingwood, Ont., 1916 Imperial Oil Co. Ltd. Triple | 3] 16-24-41 | 36] _...|_-..|Caledon S& B. & A) Beotee. 22 Ps wecc at Oh. TR VOAUB BOUT 6656 osnwcoeeciee Sarnia, Ont. Exp. Eng.Co.,Ltd., Dundee,1912. Canada Steamship 2 Stple. | 4/ 2-20-2-40 | 36; 800 | 75 | King Iron Works - 2| Scotch. 11'97| 11'1"| 6} 102 | 2688; 90 | Polson Iron Wks. .. Lines Limited. Comp. Buffalo, 1872. Toronto, 1891, Meateal,Qee Great Lakes Towing MP. ad 25 28) ....| 145) Great Lakes Towing! 1| Return Flue} 8/0"| 12'0"| 2) ....| ....| 154| Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, Ohio Non Cond. Co., Cleveland, O., 1915 Co., Cleveland, O., 1915 Puget Sound Day Line Triple | 3) 21-34-58 | 30} 1500| 130} CraigShip Bldg. Co. 4; Water-tube| 9'9"| 9'0"| 4) 220) 6400| 200| Roberts Water-tube Seattle, Wash. Exp. Toledo, 1901. Boiler Co., N. J., 1901. Canada Steamship Triple { 3) 17-28-46 | 36) ....|.-- | Bertram Eng. Wks. 2| Scotch. 12'0"| 11'6"| 4) 84 | 1812| 185; Bertram Eng. Wks. Lines Limited Exp. Toronto, 1902. Toronto, 1902. Montreal, Que. Pittsburg S. S. Co. - Quad. 4| 163-25 | 40; 1800) 80} American Ship 2| Water-tube|} 12'0"| 11'0"| 4) 140 | 6800) 250| Babcock & Wilcox . Cleveland, Ohio Exp. 3834-60 Bldg. Co., Cleveland, 1900. Assisted Draft. New York, 1900. Ieabella Linooln.... 1...) §.3.._. eae ee a Oe i Oe oo U oe eT ee wee 8 Ce adeal ooucl weed oc heceeude Alpena, Mich. Hinckley-CornwallCoJ -. | Non 1-38 18| 150 | 150/ Sutton_______.._- 1 | Fire-box. 7'6"| 11'6"| 1) 36 | 1200; 140) Kingsford Co. ____- Oswego, N. Y. Cond. Buffalo, N. Y. Oswego, N. Y., 1914