"© KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. © : ) -- = % wie & e * « * e ie i * a Sir, ree _ COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN, COLUMN. COLUMN. TYPE OF pike. ware pi ad NUMBER WHEN VESSEL. DECKS. BUILT. RL REBES Ector. SYSTEM OF ENGINES. TYPE OF BOILERS. Canal Boat. |Am. American.| Bir. Birch. One 'Re. Rebuilt.}= = Class Suspended. jAnn'Ir Comp. Annular Compound. Inv'rtd Osc. { Inverted Oscillating Drybt'm. Dry Bottom. ee. on Can. Canadian. | Bee Beech. I av oes ot Com-|Beam Comp. Beam Compound. Cond. Condensing. Fire-box. Fire-box. it uffi- ; : : s a Sailto Eng. English. |Comp. Composite. H.B. } Hold plied With. Comp. Cond. Compound Condensing. L. P. Low Pressure. Scotch, Scotch, Navigate Cd. Cedar. | Beams. «=== Class Withdrawn. |Dble. Stple. Comp. Double Steeple Compound. Oscl. Oscillating. Water-tube. Water-tube. Under Own Em Elm. : 1; : i . Siena: Ker gurticalate of Clee: Dble. Horiz. Comp. Double Horizontal Compound Quad. Exp. Quadruple Expansion. | Loco. Locomotive 5 Sloop. Iron. Iron. sification see Rules Page 19 F. & A. Comp. Fore and Aft Compound. Stple Comp. Steeple Compound. Gunboat. Gunboat. ' : La. Larch. for Steel Vessels, and Pagelyy, p, Cond. High Pressure Condensing. Triple E Triple E i . | Side Wheel. . s : 149 for Wooden Vessels. ns % eo ee : oO. ocust. . P. Non Cond. igh Pressure Non Condensing. fw. Stern Wheel. si shisca bu C. F. Coarse Freights ' : : ES Benpeiter, x. ixed Wood. Only. Horiz. Cond. Horizontal Condensing. My. Mah ; od; : i ing. cannot y ahogany Incl'd. Cond Inclined Condensing Navigate Oak. Oak. Incl'd. Non Cond. Inclined Non Condensing. earery tt Pr, Pine. Incl'd. Comp. Inclined Compound. TOW of Steamer. Pp. Pitch Pine. Incl'd. Tan. Comp. Inclined Tandem Compound. Tug. Spr. Spruce. Inv' rtd. H. P. Inverted High Pressure. Twin Screw. Steel. Steel." Inv'rtd. Fi. Non § Inverted High Pressure Non Yacht Cond. Condensing. SYMBOLS OF CONSTRUCTION: AND ABBREVIATIONS amRe dl = S SN S ee Awning or Hurricane Deck Vessel. Bottom Sheathed with Iron for Winter Service. Bow Strengthened for Ice. Bulkheads, Number of Watertight. Bulkheads, not Watertight. Canvas Sufficient to Work the Vessel. Composite Built Vessel. Center Board. Diagonal Strapping on Frames Double Bottom for Watertight Ballast. Double Bottom not Watertight. Electric Light Plant. Iron or Steel Hull with Wood Upper Works. Iron Lined Boiler House. 'Machinery and Boilers of a Novel Description. Steel Arches. Steam Towing Machine. tae-1ij]e@e8 > lol OO f Len Spar Deck Vessel. Shade Deck Vessel. Steam Pump Wells. Steel Boiler House. Well Deck Vessel. Whaleback Steamer. Whaleback Barge. Wooden Boiler House. Wooden Arches. (-] Wooden Sheathing on Steel Bottom. Ta Wooden Vessel with Bow Sheathed for Ice. Steel Tank Top where no Wood Ceilings are Fitted. Special Supervision, Vessel Built Under. Single Deck Vessel Whose Sides have been Built up Connecting Fore- castle and Poop. Windlass Between Decks with no Efficient Bulkhead Abaft Same. B are Length Between Perpendiculars. Btm. clk. Bottom Calked. ; Clk. Calked all Over. C. Copper Fastened. Ca. 8. Channel System, Built on. Fr. & Pass. Freight & Passenger. Gv. Galvanized Fastenings. he oe Indicates the Spacing of Hatches from Center to Center. Long. Sys. Longitudinal System. M. Yellow Metal. Pass. Passenger Vessel. RQ: D. Raised Quarter Deck. RP. Raised Poop. L. rps. Large' Repairs. ay Rps. <<" Repairs. ih ae. Sailing Vessel provided with Steam | Power for working ne Pumps, etc. O42 5 ' W, a" Vessel equipped with Wireless Telegraph. , PO