14 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. Laxe Suprrror, the largest of the Inland Seas, lying between 46° 30' and 49° north latitude, and between 838° 30' and 92° $0 west longitude from Greenwich, is situated at a height of 600 feet above the Gulf of St. Lawr ence, from which it is distant about 1,500 miles, by the course of its outlet and the St. Law- rence River. It is 460 miles long from east to west, and 170 miles broad in its widest part, with an average breadth of 85 miles; the entire circuit being about 1,200 miles. It is 800 feet in greatest depth, extending 200 feet below the level of the ocean. Estimated area, 31,500 square miles, being by far the largest body of fresh water on the face of the globe--celebrated alike for its sparkling purity, romantic scenery, and the healthy influence of its surrounding climate. About one hundred rivers and creeks are said to tlow into the lake, the greatest part being small streams, and but few navigable except for canoes, owing to numerous falls and rapids. It dischargés its waters eastward, 'by the straits, or River S#. Mary, 60 miles long, into Lake Huron, which lies 26 feet below, there being about 20 feet descent at the Sault Ste. Marie, which is overcome by means of two locks anda ship canal. Its outlet is a most lovely and romantic stream, embosoming a number of large and fertile islands, covered with a rich foliage. Laxe Micuiean, lymg about 576 feet above the sea, is 320 miles long, 84 miles broad, and 700 feet deep; area, 22,000 square miles. This lake lies wholly within the confines of the United States. It presents a large expanse of water, with but few islands, except near its entrance into the straits of Macki- nac, through which it discharges its surplus waters. The strait is 30 or 40 miles in length, and discharges its accumulated waters into Lake Huron, on nearly a level with Lake Michigan. "At the north end of the lake, and in the straits, are several large and romantic islands, affording delightful resorts. Green Bay, a most beautiful expanse of water, containing several small islands, lies at about the same elevation as Lake Michigan ; it is 100 miles long, 20 miles broad, and 60 feet deep; area, 2,000 square miles. This is a remarkably pure body of water, presenting lovely shores, surrounded by a fruit- ful and healthy section of country.