18 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. ; Miles. Grand River, Mich., Grand Haven to Grand Rapids.........cssesecsocccoocrescrocces. 40 Muskegon, Mich., Muskegon to Newaygo..----eerererecereccreesrocccocsreccrasccencs 40 Saginaw, Mich., Saginaw Bay to Upper Sagimaw-.csseesreesseccrecctececsccseccseeces 26 Maumee, Ohio, Maumee Bay to Perrysburgh ...4....sesseeessecesscereeeteeesses sees. 18 Genesee, N.Y., Charlotte to Rochester ..seccerccerecerencrees recs cecacsecenensaseces 6 CANADIAN SIDE. Miles. Thames, Lake St. Clair to Chatham .....+.+sssceecseccrcsteccscccccccccsscsecceneccees 24 Ottawa, La Chine to Carillon....s..s0seseee.ee. INGE CW A, JO «" (By means of locks to Ottawa City)*...s-ecseeesseerreccrencrerereacreperecacs 70 Richelieu or Sorel, Sorel to Lake Champlain (by 1OCKS) «...+seseeeseees cree seer ee chee ce Saguenay, Tadusac to Chicoutimi..scccccseccseccececcreccronscenccscccsccreccscccsees 70 (Thence to Lake St. John, 50 m.) LAKE AND RIVER NAVIGATION. FROM FOND DU LAC, LAKE SUPERIOR, TO THE GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE, a Length in |} Greatest Average Depth in |Ei, above LAKES, RIVERS, Ero. « miles. breadth. | breadth. feet. sea. Superior ..... was on bis aeeswes 460 170 85 800 600 feet. 'St. Mary's Rivetcciecsts®. . 60 5 yom (1086 LOB Seas Michigan...cseess ins teane sys 320 85 58 700 b7e Green Bay weeeeeese eeevresaee 100 25 18 100 4 576. * Straits of Mackinac ......... 40 20 10 _.*| WD to 200 cio * Huron eeeer @eereeneeanereeeee|. 2 250 100 70. 700 574 6 SrOVth CRARNCl fics. vsedaces 150 20 10 20 to 200 574" Georgian Bay .i%. ase Gs - ie 140 55 40 500 574 + St, Cleit FRUVOP isis kx osc sees 38 1% 1 20 to 60 se take St. Olplyt.sicswance otis 25 25 18 10 to 20 668 Detroit River ..... ehinbacsce 27 3 i - 10 to 60 a BEA 0s ch sees sis 0 Kaa a a 250 70 40 200 564. " EN IRGAIR TRIVOL oc ccnes ncted as 35 3 1 aeddeaus e. ONIETIO ons s cake sdnsas panded 180 58 40 600 224 * St. Lawrence River......... | 760 100 * eal | Pasetae He: Lake St. Francis, foot Long nes SLE, co au capecnceetinctees ha ol oop e eee ree a " Lake St. Louis, foot Cascade #9 Rapids. ee@eeteeeeeneteeeenanse ewvee @eee 5 eeaeteen 58 a" wat Montreal ieiiies..asi. tht sis bd 3 dotahuhs ae ff ee ee vane cee 12 genplan .* ide-water at Three Rivers.. oe 0 wold iL hi tant 2 qt MP NEUOUEE , uy veveives 6 cds maa cane a. Vewee es qo8 Total miles navigation..... 2,835 *The navigation for steamers extends 150 miles above Ottawa City, by means of portages and locks. tThe St. Clair Flats, ne have to be passed by all large steamers and sail vessels, running from Lake Erie to the Upper Lakes, now affords twelve feet of water. A new channel is being cut through over the Flats in a straight line with the first reach of St. Clair River, where range lights will be fixed. sf i