QA. THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. NNE. This course will carry you clear through, leaving Whisky Island and the shoal which sets off from it SW to port, best aboard, but is only safe for small vessels, as there are a number of patches of rock and sand with from 7 to 13 and 17 feet of water on them; but in case a vessel should get in here in foggy weather, when you are abreast of the NW point of the Big Beaver, haul out NW until Trout Island bears SSW, then. haul up NNE, leaving Whisky Island and Squaw Island 2 miles to starboard, until Seul Choix Point bears WN ; thence as above to Mackinaw. : : Potter's Reef bears from Point Patterson EbyNZN 67 miles, and is nearly in range with Point Patterson and Seul Choix Point. . The distance from Squaw Island (which is the most northern island of the Beaver group) to Point Patterson is 97 miles, and Seul Choix Point is 143 miles from Trout Island and 16 miles from Gull Island, leaving a deep channel of from 30 to 180 feet water. Mary FROM BEAVER HARBOR TO POINT WAUGOSHANCE LIGHTHOUSE, TWENTY MILES AND A HALF. | From the south dock at the entrance of Beaver Harbor east 8 miles, to a point ? mile north of Hog Island Reef; thence EbyNzN123 miles, to the passage + mile south of Waugoshance Lighthouse, observing that Hog Island Reef lies in the range of Whisky Island and the south point of Garden Island; a range easily recognized, and which will serve to indicate the vicinity of this dangerous reef. FROM WAUGOSHANCE LIGHTHOUSE TO NORTHPORT AND TRAVERSE CITY, IN TRAVERSE BAY. Steer SW2S 92 miles till Skillegolee Lighthouse bears east thence SSW 413 miles, till Northport Point bears NW, when run for the dock. In going in and going out, look out for the shoals in the northern part of the bay. To make Traverse City when SE of Northport Point, as above, steer SbyW 242 miles, to the dock at Traverse City.