28 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. The coast from Pishaube's Village to Northport is generally good, but a lookout sbould be kept for a rocky spit, extending for almost a mile NbyE from the northern end of New Mission Point. There is shoal water for ¢ of a mile to north and east of Bellows Island. Two dangerous shoals, with 6 and 8 feet water on them, lie between Northport Point and Northport. A rocky spit runs out in a SE direction for + a mile, from a point ¢ of a mile north of Northport Point; from thence to Lighthouse Point the shore can be safely approached within } a mile, but at the Lighthouse point a rocky spit extends % a mile to the north- ward. , FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE POINT TO POINT BETSEY. Between the Lighthouse and Cat-Head Point, two spits extend over 3 a mile from shore. From Cat-Head to Carp River, the coast can be approached within 34 a mile, but there are two detached 12 feet rocky spots, 4 miles NEN from the dock at Carp River, and 1% miles from the shore. . In Good Harbor Bay are several shoals, with only eight feet water on them. One of these will be found bearing NEZN from the dock at Unity, and distant 4 miles. This shoal is directly on the line joining Carp River and Pyramid Point. Another 8 feet spot bears from Unity Dock NE#E, distance ¢ miles, and is a little inside the line joining Unity Dock and Carp River point. Southeast from this last spot, and 3 a mile distant, is a 10 feet spot. Three miles south of Pyramid Point, a rocky spit runs 3 a mile from shore, and shoal water extends for a mile toward Sleeping Bear. From thence to Point Betsey the shore is bold, and can be approached within } of a mile, except at Platt River Point, where a spit extends to the north having only 6 feet water on it ? of a mile from shore. FOX AND MANITOU ISLANDS. South Manitou Island can be approached within # of a mile, everywhere except on the south and southwest sides, where shoal water extends 3a mile from the shore. There is also a rock with only 8 fathoms water on it, SSW4W from the SW point of Manitou Island, distance 24 miles.