THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. 81 to abreast of the point beyond Horse Shoe Island, called Hagle Bluff Point, where a lighthouse has been erected, and shows a bright white light, leaving Plum Island to port in the distance, and the Door Bluff (which is high and deep close to) on the peninsula to port; and as you approach the next high bluff, called the Sister Bluff, you will make two small islands called the Sisters, which you also leave to port, at a distance of 13 miles, and take notice that there is a reef, with two detached shoals, 4 of a mile apart, on the same range, which bears from these islands SWbySsS 23 miles, with 62 feet water on them. You can run all round them in from 40 to 50 feet water. After passing these islands, keep Horse Shoe Island just open with the next bluff point above it, Fish Creek Bluff, which is 8 miles beyond Eagle Bluff; or in the night, run for the light, keeping it alittle on the port bow, leaving a patch of rocks called the Pancake Shoal to starboard, which shoal bears from Horse Shoe Island NaW about 24 miles. After passing Horse Shoe Island, keep the east shore well aboard, until past the Straw- berry Islands and abreast of Hat Island; then shape your course SWbhyS 55 miles, to Long Tail Point, or run the shore along from point to point, at a distance of 2 miles, and note that there is a patch of rocks about 7 or 8 miles from Hat Island, and 14 - miles from the shore, called Horse Shoe Bay Reef, and 54 miles from Egg Harbor. HORSE SHOE ISLAND AND EAGLE HARBOR. To go into this harbor, follow the island close round, and haul in to the dock, or make fast to the trees, as the water is very deep close in. When in this harbor you are perfectly land- locked. There is a good wood dock to the southward and east- ward of Horse Shoe Island in the bay, and is always supplied with wood of the best quality. The depth of water between Horse Shoe Island and the mainland is from 6 to 10 fathoms, sandy clay. ! Fish Creek is 3 miles from the first point above Horse Shoe Island, and is a good harbor. You can carry from 2 to 3 fath- oms water, clay bottom; about one cable's length beyond the