52 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. TO RUN INTO GEORGIAN BAY BY FITZWILLIAM ISLAND CHANNEL. -- From the Duck Islands to the south point of Fitzwilliam Island EbyS 60 miles. When abreast the point haul up NE 4 miles, leaving Lucas Island and Yeo Island to starboard (and note that a small island, named James Island, with a reef run- ning SW from it, lays NE from Yeo Island); thence SEbyE 264 miles to Cabot's Head, leaving Halt Moon Island 3+ miles to the northward. Nothing less than 30 to 40 feet through this channel. Torun through to the southward of Lucas Island, leave Yeo Island and James Island NE of Lucas, to the north- ward, steering due east for 11 miles; thence SEbyE for Cabot's Head. Cape Hurd Channel is very difficult, and cannot be run except with a good pilot. Tober Moray or Collin's Harbor is an excellent one, lying SE southerly from the east end of Cove Island, and is easy of access by daylight. Mississauga Passage is deep--from 30 to 204 feet water. To run through, open the passage and steer about NW, keeping the east side best aboard. The west side, at the entrance, is rocky, and composed of magnetic reefs. To clear the rocks on the east side before entering the channel, keep the NE point of Cockburn Island open with the SW point of the Great Mani- toulin Island, and when through, haul up NWbyW 22 miles, for Sulphur Island. The False Detour Passage is deep, but not quite so straight as the Mississauga Channel. Torun through, keep midway, in 54 to 120 feet water. Rocky on both sides. After getting well into the channel, the course is about NNE; when through, steer NW for Sulphur Island 14 miles. | SAGINAW BAY AND THE HIGH LANDS OF SAUBLE. FROM POINT AUX BARQUES TO SAGINAW RIVER, SIXTY MILES, AS FOLLOWS: From Point aux Barques to Charity Islands NW4W 8 miles; thence WS 22 miles; thence SWbyS 88 miles, or until the Lighthouse at the entrance to Saginaw River bears S?W (mag- @