PON' | 55 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. each side of the bay. The best anchorage for vessels outside is . between Sugar Island and the mainland. Middle Island, 15 miles from Thunder Bay fata has good shelter from NE gales. To make a harbor, stand in shore below the island and reef,and work up between it and the mainland, and come to under the SW point of the island, in 7 to 9 fathoms water. There is a good channel between the island and mainland, which can be plainly seen in daylight, and vessels can come in for shelter from the North winds. : The only obstruction in going round the south end of the island, is the shoal off the SE end of it, which can readily be discerned by the color of the water in calm -- and the breakers in rough. False Presqwile is good shelter from NW to NE winds. Vessels generally come to in 24 to 3 fathoms water, near the entrance to the harbor. The bottom, further to the eastward, in 5 and 6 fathoms, is hard; and also the whole coast along inside of Middle Island, to Thunder Bay, the water being very clear and the rocks white limestone. _ ALPENA HARBOR--TONNAGE DUES. In accordance with the by-laws of the Harbor Improvement Company of Alpena, tonnage dues have been levied on vessels visiting that port, the proceeds to be devoted to the improve- ment of the harbor. . A circular Says : The publie will take notice that Alpena harbor i is NOW open for vessels and steamboats, and that all vessels and steamboats using said harbor, drawing over four feet of water, will be required to pay the tolls or harbor dues prescribed by the by-laws of the Harbor Improvement Company, which rates are hereunto affixed, viz: All Pespels ANd MeCaNION es cee eae conse hs he ass vecece tsp vO DEE TOR, On exported articles, as follows: Dawes TMher 62, Baceats ans By ipa eR ediel a tS sao cs 10c per ton -- Timber, square or round i el ees ¢>.2+¢0L06 per- 100 cu, ft LBs ite tas i ee | bs ber aaes 8c per M WOON, de nek eek dh ibd eae cba a 3c per M POUCO PONG. - ie ccc ee tel steerer ee 10c per 100 Teleeviph Poles oo PEE I POCO 80c per 100 Be