66 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. ¥ Cove Island Lighthouse on the bearing EbyN, and give the Lighthouse point a berth of 4 a mile. From Presqu'ile to Chantry Island Lighthouse NWbyW 115 miles. From Cove Island to the entrance of the Straits of Michilimackinac or south channel, WbyN 120 miles. FROM SAGINAW TO GODERICH. | Run out from Saginaw River and round the Charity Islands, on opposite courses given, from Point aux Barques, until the light at Point aux Barques bears due south; thence ESH 59 miles, to Goderich. FROM GODERICH TO THE STRAITS OF MACKINAW AND ST. MARY'S RIVER. Steer NWN 140 miles, till Presqu'ile Lighthouse bears SW byW 5 miles off; from thence NWbyN to Detour, and NWby WW for Bois Blane Lighthouse; thence to Mackinaw, as directed before, : FROM COVE ISLAND TO STRAITS OF MICHILIMACKINAC AND ST. MARY'S RIVER. From Cove Island Lighthouse, bearing EbyN 3 miles off, steer WbhyN 122 miles, or till the east end of Bois Blanc Island bears NWN and Sheboygan Light W4S; thence steer west for Sheboygan Light until abreast.of it, and run up the Strait, as before directed. | To make Detour or St. Mary's River, steer WbyN, as above, 57 miles, till the Great Duck Island bears due north; then haul up N WbyW for the Detour Lighthouse, 56 miles, bring it to bear west and run in. FROM SOUTHAMPTON TO SAGINAW BAY. Steer WbyS38 for 107 miles, till Charity Island Lighthouse bears SE, distant 3 miles; thence up the Bay as before directed. FROM SOUTHAMPTON TO STRAITS OF MICHILIMACKINAGC. Steer NWbyW 113 miles, till Presquwile Lighthouse bears SWhyW, distant 5 miles; thence as before directed to the Straits. The above courses and bearings are true, and the distances in statute miles,