76 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. at. the distance of 14 miles, giving the island a berth of the | same distance; thence WSW 10 miles for the mills. Good water alongside, with wood and lumber. , There is good holding ground under White Fish Point, in from 5 to 7 and 10 fathoms water. - O LEAVE WHITE FISH BAY--BOUND UP. Give the point a berth of 14 miles, and when round it, steer west 20 miles; thence WbyS 95 miles for Marquette. | The coast from White Fish Point to Grand Island is bold, and can be run with safety at a distance of 2 miles. Grand Morais is about 45 to 50 miles from White Fish Point; has 5 to 6 feet water over the bar. The channel is 15 fathoms wide at the entrance, and is a good harbor inside. Grand Sauble Point, 8 miles above it, is very remarkable, being 300 feet high, composed of sand, and looks level on the top. : ; : A Lighthouse has been erected on this point. There is a reef sets off this point about 13 miles. The Pictured Rocks, 15 miles west, are also remarkable, being 200 feet high, and of different shapes. From the Cave to Grand Island Channel, 104 miles. SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR GRAND ISLAND, ACCORDING TO THE LAST SURVEY, TO ENTER SOUTH BAY AND WILLIAMS' HARROR FROM THE EAST. To enter South Bay when abreast of Chapel Rock, and 1 mile north of it, steer SW about 6 miles, to a point 4 of a mile west of Castle Point; thence same céurse 4 miles to the Nar- rows, at Sand Point; and thence SWbySsS 34 miles to the head of South Bay, and come to in 6 fathoms water. TO MAKE WILLIAMS' LANDING. Steer SW as above, from the point 4 of a mile west of Castle Point, 43 miles; thence WiN 2 miles, and anchor in7 to 10 fathoms water 400 feet from the shore. The bank is very bold on the east of the Point at Williams' Landing, and ves- sels drawing 12 feet can approach within 100 feet of the shore.