APPENDIX THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. LG. NEW LAW OF MARINE <nidints AND SIGNALS ON THE LAKES. : _ RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF PILOTS AND MASTERS ON THE LAKES. BvuFFao, June 24th, 1864. Eilitors Commercial Advertiser : - Gents--I hand you herewith for abinetan an Official copy of " An Act fixing certain rules and regulations for preventing collisions on the water," which has become a law of the United States, to take effect on and after September 1st, and which applies to the Lakes and tributaries. It is taken from the English and French laws, and is the same as that about being adopted by the Canadas and other colonies. It would be well for our Shipmasters to make themselves familiar with the same, and be prepared for the change. D. P. Dossrns, Chairman Ha. Com. Board Lake Underwriters. AN ACT FIXING CERTAIN RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS ON THE WATER. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That from and after September 1, 1864, the following rules and regulations for preventing collisions on the water be adopted in the navy and the mercantile marine of the United States: Provided, That the exhibition of any light on board of a vessel of war of the United States may be suspended, whenever, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Navy, the Commander-in-Chief of a squadron, or the Commander of a vessel acting singly, the special character of the service may require it. ARTICLE 1. In the following rules every steamship which is under 14