Iv CONTENTS TO THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. PAGE. From Port Dalhousie to Genesee River,........ccccececeessce sense nececsceseescens rt, RING TR aR BLA OEE A NEES ies ot tm Cherie BUC8ls,. oo eee I EG Es Lighthouses on both shores of Lake Ontario, ............. cece cece cece ee ee eee ee eee NE SS ED PE Ee re er er eee ae The Port of Liverpool, or Pickering, formerly called Frenchman's Bay,. eae MU, EUR oka oo ea bs chek se sider cen diverted eke oe gh ae CELLS CANES NG UE Os Case nee MI aires evi ew de Ee eC EE E808 40 PERE N SCC ESN A AY Fess Ce ees OE Es eee er ee ges ee ee Bond. Head, or Port ee Os PI a ve tes es De ir a ero ie tan ihd cee beret PEN ies eee nas CODOULY,.. 00s eevee ener cence nee e ener e eset eee ewee ce ee ents ee ee ne cere cece a sense ences Mice rr ho er Ee TERN EO ES AEE UES ce ee Laas ob aaeees i i a EI as a esc a em i ie eee PR ES ee i rer tiprestenr sss AYO AN A Courses and Pitan on Lake Ontario, (according to chart of Capt. Ford, U.S. N.,) Port owen, Canada W est--nolice, 4 cc cc ie esc cc cece ee cece cies kk ake reat e's rsa ne cre we irate ss ea rain atest ee SES aS a GN Sua we be Pb eas eke os Ales i Oe a i ig nie eI ds ve eke Variations of: Compass-on-Lake Ontario,...00 606 lsiis cc eee i veces cece ceececeutens Table of Distances for the Upper Lakes, "e port to sort; mes i as We Oe LAG MIC CaD... nee es We EE Vs ve Cee we as East side.of Lake Michigan, and west side of Lake: Huron fri ois oe Lake Superiory....... cece eee ee ce cece ee reve wee seco ee cen coeseeeesaceueeesneeensees Oe gi os re EP OPO EN EEE Ce CEOS OV le da hele ue ee A ee ae eee ee ee et Sratanoes by Grand Trunk Hallway jini, .ccecrcevce seis ee cect bees ds buceCeeewtopnpas 88 88 90 90 92 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 97 9v 9 98 98 99 101 101 102 102 102 102 - 102 108 108 103 104 104 104