APPENDIX TO THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. New Law. of Marine Lights and Signals on the Lakes jicicis.ccscscesssccssensecsecessootvecesconsnscesevess An Act to Regulate the Admeasurement of Tonnage of Ships and Vessels of the United Se ee er Fees of Custom House Officers, (important to DUSINESS MEN,).....ccecesceesvssceesceessces sabe cchaacse Table of Distances at. which Objects can be Seem at S@as..cecs-csevesssvsdesscctuccsevascedeerscbiuenees Table of the Angles which every Point and Quarter-point of thé Cindipace pa with the Meridian,...... Sbasschias cxsSk sbi bub aabesteeehiie iE psicnelWUbss Fenn VAC AGCusA SA CEE GALL Jaee ec deuiesecaususi tases sores Fog Horn, as peaien a ree Committee Lake Sadetudind uivens wiasaonouu sie Notes and Remiarks-on the Baromidtet) icc. ccisseccckescssonseassscscsssaees sesntatentandess sos ss Hxplanation of the Amerold Barometers civics ccivenssceccevevs ccaserssasssiasssavnsbensssseaeiuesenas Rules for Barometrical Observations,.... sadatsee bisenbeniees avacuses (lus ncepeiuneeecesyssess ini einse sas A Lunar Tidal Wave in the North Asherioas tele denentecipes eiedvadtpeeasen sistas esnaen Remarkable Phenomena,..........+« siisse nin ineieen gnabinalnbk exes (heskehieennieites cicada ennirenieae Rising and Falling of the Waters of Lake Michtent:. Bless seu eeliceinss (eke bbeck eres esa Valuable Maritime Suggestions.,........... Ks £'6 Nsuosin ieee sundsh echoes eas iebptniss saeusd unsuited cei mans ae How to Steer a Vessel or Steamboat when the Hndder ig Let Or DIGKDIGK (66555 cccctesscccsnvans To take in anew Mast without Shears,.......-.cc000 perkhheis doinkvaninnskéungeseest asbuh sekumnenteruasasebin' Lee Way,....... Sse sce Shsds kuksvsetsesshtesssccle sauces acts ee i How to judge Weather by the Sky........ aise douaseossekebiddius bievabulevacevivsk osscssieiscsecae ie Recipes for BlacKking Ship's Standing Rigging, .. .cssascecesssosiececcsesesniterssersisissinvicdecienss on Fo Mark w Teak Elis. iiiisicics ads ocs reese ssass eae ee ee Marks and Deeps of the Lead Line,............00++ se eessake saben boas sede eds Gees enaten pevtGess cauciesbssusie The Commerce, Resources and Advantages of our "Inland Seas,"'.....cscecccccsssscscesesceserccees The Upper Lakeg,..........0« hues diuessagund ss uneeics (es etaein persia aaa ites Lake SaADeriOr, ..cccicsisncses Scavatess soncussnnctonsctsacunbpeateetpcessiéneaces siaine seeeue Ueebivarpencualoeusecicbuy ua Distances around Lake Bupertot jocks vesisaciscecicigipadins sssentiasiasseases ried ase eee Rise and Fall of the Waters of Lake Superior,...... snencnds send seachaet jubseoseinsnnvabsebuagesvaeneneseteses Marquette,....... sais fan besoes divecks Counbeunccpsneck CVALSEsaUDEL Ue cblwebucdccee cabrones s CclupahsassscctNksic Gs ssbes leks niee Bienen © Roky ccssnssccesassisstaceaspes 1nha0l bs oingaeessnpiessecdinannteenmecusia nausea cane ae Bay de Noquette and Marquette Railroad,............000+. eaeacatsihincaWbsancsesenissiesnsaienancbnrsiaseien ODGOR AON, wodesesaninsavasreseadavecoosage cing cesseteriavaceuicncn des perenne tis <cterbecsinmssincieligs Go ae Bb. DIALY S REV Ce icccccecens ge gecinenebeiecacecassecussuiank cocsusqucsisosethicsassastisie Uses Batt Bite NAT1O, 5s cise cscncecestensssatncscsqncenes tbyusdelisoliuas shies suovani@ee bes eseion esl socgse abe St. Mary's Falls and Ship Canal.......... scisdbvintineenis eauknacnaee eae Distances from the Sault Ste Marie to Superiok City ssisscsecsessccsvseseciesencccccsacsecessssecscssccecsse Dake Michigan, Cities, Harbors, 0tC.cscccscessesviesassslencestaeesene esenebeveadunsiseceedinsissdetbavicauun Green Bay, TAOOO CCHS TODO ED OOOH O SESE SE OTEE SEE OES ET ETOR EE TEE ESD SEOEOSOOEEHOOEOHESOEESOOD EOE SH TODO UH OOO SHO EEL OEE ERED ODED EEEEEEe OCONEE karina aicisr eeu eremaea SPO OHHOH SS EH OSES SETHE EESHHSOESOEE HOO OESESO SOOO SED EEETOESOOEDD SESEREe Green Bay to Lake DU DOTION pic inesess ricsnedesicsatiecmiacsec tian eesarnaneeiia ee ce Georgian Bay,. eeceses seevescoee SOP e er Deed O ee eEE DRED SOESOE SESH OOOO EOHEEE NEO OED OD EOEE OE SOEE SLOSS DOOCEE OOS EEE OE ESCO OOO COT W065 cnscevcntivanenssnscvavssesctenssetnithyaseivbeianas ohguendeeitlsissibennisbecs i Lake PE POT ores cenc tviaseedstsevenscrst CREO Oe SEE OOOH H HHO SEOHEH ETOH OOS FERESHEEEHOESESEEE EH ETEHO SE SOOEEEOEHOOEETE DESO EHOES GOCE, BIW igs cvucetutvesscesrisscceiavtaiinussshiatorsavaseices ss atopnsneaenesad ec Michigari--~Eistory, Btatiatios, Ot6.gsicericiccacsices sss cessersedessessenssursestiseeravntg esas sas Growth Of Mich igati, .siscseccsinscssessceecsanberentiesealied pitdksenaieessuuscsesees saan ae Detroit, the City of the Btratta,"'.. csesicssvekssiersivcsssersene eanseua vise ox eves wuabeedcstavkceesbncecos secs The Lower Penineula of Mich tgatis, vesccisccese sucess sesushevsesy ss thes ceaavnancasiee cebu ous Grand Haven,........ see sddbhsasenacsasddascsoeusisiesseass bes hevebe (ciapakevakedsnueiaseouaen Extract from the Annual Trade and Commerce of Buffalo, for the year 1862,......ccseseccecseeceees The first Steamboat on DaKe Erle, oc.c..ccscsccsuss cansccsuyscesncsssassceusustansaccsesnessoeserecscuovsacsans Buitlalo, " Gneen City of the Lakees" vcs sey cccsecsacescccconesesssens Erie, * The Lake City of Pet rnay varias" ssseccccvcascccveccscessscacertessisnssiteesenvetes Ghaswenisssenes cn ° PAGE, 105 108 112 113 114 114 115 116 Hi 118 120 121 122 122 122 123 124 124 125 125 126 126 127 127 127 128 129 130 133 133 135 136 138 138 139 140 141 143 144 145 146 147 152 153 156 160 160 167 168 170