ep iitorietaeee ok 82 "THOMPSONS. COAST PILOT. Courses, Miles. From St. Joseph to Kalamazoo, . . . . . NNE 40 Kalamazoo to Grand River, ; ; . Nsw 28 " Grand River to Little Point au Sauble, . *NbyWew = 44 " Little Point au Satble to Big Point au Sauble, .. N+E 28 " Big Point au Sauble to Point Betsey, : . *NbyEtE.. 48 _ Point Betsey to Sleeping Bear, . . Se NNE 18 Manistee, about'16 miles from Big Point au Sauble, has six to 7 feet water over the bar, but cannot be trusted to as an average, Vessels load outside. 'There are two docks at. the place. _ Black River has two Piers, and is under improvement. About 10 feet water over the bar. -- 3 | \ | SAILING DIRECTIONS FOR LAKE HURON, ETC. FROM THE HEAD OF ST. CLAIR RIVER OR FORT GRATIOT LIGHTHOUSE TO DETOUR LIGHTHOUSE, ENTRANCE TO ST. MARY'S RIVER, TWO. HUN- DRED AND TWENTY-SIX MILES, AS FOLLOWS : From the head of the River St. Clair NNE a4 miles, into Lake Huron; thence NbyW 71 miles, to abreast. of Point aux Barques Lighthouse, which should bear WbyS 8 miles off;. thence NNW 774 miles, to abreast of Thunder Bay Island Lighthouse, bearing WSW 5 miles; thence NWbyN 75 miles to the mouth of Detour _ passage; bring Detour light to bear west, 1 mile distant. After running NWbyN from Thunder Bay Island Lighthouse for 27 miles, Presqu'ile light should bear SWby W, distant 5 miles. FROM FORT GRATIOT LIGHTHOUSE TO MACKINAW, 241 mitzs. The same as above to Presqu'ile, 178 miles ;: thence NWbyW : ¢W 60 miles, to a point mile north of Bois Blanc Island Light- house ; thence W2N 94 miles, to Mackinaw Harbor. FROM PRESQU'ILE TO THE DOCK AT DUNCAN CITY OR SHEBOYGAN BAY, FIFTY-NINE AND ONE-HALF MILES. From Presqu'ile NWbyW2W 50 miles; thence west 8 miles, passing $ mile north of Sheboygan Lighthouse, and 1 mile to the westward of the same; thence south 1} miles, to the dock at Dun- can; and note, that in rounding the Lighthouse point you will carry