62 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. bara hand, steer from Round Island WS W 24 miles; thenee run the shore along in 8 fathoms water, passing the dock atthe Mission to port ; and when abreast of Point Troquois Lighthouse, haul up NW4N 25 miles, for White Fish Point, one Parrisien Island to starboard. | nis Pendle's Mills is in the bight' 'of the bay, to the westward 8'or 10 miles ; and to run to the same, haul round Point Iroquois' at' 'the distance of 14° miles, giving the island a berth' of the same dis- tance; thence WSW 10 miles for the mills. Good water along- side, with wood and lumber. | 3 | oe There is. good holding ground under Witte' Fish Point, in from 5 to Z and 10 fathoms water. 4 ) TO LEAVE WHITE FISH BAY----BOUND UP. Give the point a berth of 1} to 2 miles, and when round it, steer west 20 miles ; thence WbyS8 95 miles for Marquette. The coast debe White Fish Point to Grand Island i is bold, and can be run with safety at a distance of 2 miles. -- Grand Morais is about 45 to 50 miles from White Fish Point ; has 5 to 6 feet water over the bar. 'The channel'l is 15 fathoms' wide at the entrance, and is a good harbor 'inside. Grand Sauble Point, 8 miles above 'it, is very remarkable, being 300 feet high, composed of sand, and looks level on v'the bi There is areef sets off this point about 14 miles: - se The Pictured Rocks, 15 miles west,' arée'also remarkable, being 200 feet high, and of different shapes. From the Cave to Gtand Island Channel, 104 miles: : OTe ; \ TO MAKE A HARBOR UNDER. GRAND ISLAND: AND OUT TO MARQUETTE, When abreast the Pictured Rocks or Cave, steer for the NE Point of Grand: Island, and note 'that the island, being nearly in two parts, connected by a low neck, of land, sometimes looks like two islands. 'The NH point is on the eastermost part of the island, and has a shoal off from it + mile. Give it a good berth ; and, as you approach the. point and pass it, you will make a ledge of rock and clay, which runs out from the mainland onthe port side, two-thirds across the channel... Haul close over to the island and