SR eS ee Re OT ake SS hehe Mr ele Tae eee NYT POR ES CC alae era" KTR ere ag 86 THOMPSON'S COAST PILOT. Port Dover light, fixed, visible 10 miles, at the entrance to the river, on the west pier; 9 feet water. Grand River light, fixed, visible 12 miles, at the entrance of Grand River and head waters of the Welland Ganal ; the Lighthouse is on the west pier. This is'one of the best harbors on Lake Erie. In running in, keep the west pier well aboard, and follow up the pier work until into the river. 'Té-come to anchor, run well up past the entrance to the canal, keeping the port side well aboard, and come to in 24 to 8 fathoms water, mud bottom, or run into the canal, Mohawk Island light, revolving, visible 16 miles, on Mohawk Island, sometimes called Gull Island, is a good leading mark up or down the lake. A good harbor can be made under the lee of this island from SW winds, by bringing the light to bear west. Vessels can lie here in the heaviest gales. The reef sets off from the island SE 24 miles, which forms the lee. The bottom is red clay. Come | to in 84 fathoms. 'There is a good channel between the island and mainland, with 24 fathoms water. To run through, bound down, keep midway between Mohawk Bluff and the island, until you drop into 14 feet water ; then haul up to the northward and eastward, and follow the island round in 12 to 18 feet water, pretty close to; and when past the island, run out to the eastward, giving Point Selkirk a berth of 4 mile, or come to under the island, with aia Lighthouse _ bearing west. : Port Colborne or Gravelly Bay light, fixed, visible 12 miles, on -- the west pier, at the entrance to the Welland Canal. This pier has a range light some distance to the northward of the outer light. To run in, range the lights and keep the west pier best aboard, and - run up into the basin and make fast on either side. Sugar Loaf Hill is 2 miles west of the entrance, a and is a good leading mark for this harbor. Point Abino is a good lee from SW to W winds. Vessels generally do not run quite far enough into the bay to lie easy.