t ' et Signal from mail boat to large. boats to check down: Three blasts from mocking- bird whistle: . a Signal from rowboat belonging:to mail boat when approaching vessels for delivery. of mail: White flag in daytime.. Swinging bright light at night. oe For ordinary storm warning the mail boat will display a red flag with black bie square center; for information signals, the red or white pennant, red for easterly and Las ; white for westerly winds; and for warnings of severe or dangerous storms, two flags, red with black square centers. In the latter case the mail boat will deliver storm warnings' to all boats bound down. - | ° a oc The Kendall Reporting Agency, at Port Huron, Mich., will deliver storm warn. ' a ings to boats passing into Lake Huron. | a Ev Wind-signal displaymen at stations on the Great Lakes are authorized to tele- ' Deh graph for information regarding expected weather conditions in their vicinity when- | ever such information is requested by masters of vessels flying the American flag. -- - From stations on Lakes Superior, Michigan or Huron, these requests will he addressed to the Weather Bureau Office, Chicago; from stations on Lake Erie or a Ontario to the Weather Bureau Office, Buffalo. a 'a Masters of vessels of this class, whenever at a port on the Great Lakes, where there is no Weather Bureau office or wind-signal display station, may themselves e ) telegraph for this information, observing the same rule as to territory as given above. & Roi _ The telegram should be addressed: "Weather, Chicago," or "Weather, Buffalo." _ a These messages and the answers thereto will be at Government expense, but itis expected that the privilege thus granted will only be exercised when the information __ ie | sought is regarded as necessary for the safety of the vessels concerned. e a | It is also expected that vessel masters who avail themselves of this privilege will oe make public the information obtained for the benefit of all vessels in their vicinity. UST F PLACES WHERE HURRICANE SIGNALS ONLY ARE DSPLAYED, LAKE SUPERIOR. Two Harbors, Minn. Duluth, Minn. Marquette, Mich. | | LAKE. MICHIGAN. Milwaukee, Wis: _. Muskegon, Mich. Charlevoix, Mich. Chicago IIL. White River, Mich. | Cheboygan, Mich. McGulpin Point, Mich. Pentwater, Mich. Mackinac Island, Mich. South Haven, Mich. -- Ludington, Mich. | Benton Harbor, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. Frankfort, Mich LAKE ST. CLAIR. _ Light-ship--Detroit, Mich. LAKE ERIE. | ps : Toledo, Ohio. | LAKE ONTARIO. Rochester, N. Y. | Charlotte, N. Y. Oswego, N. Y. The Chief of the Weather Bureau furnishes each month during the season of navigation, charts for the benefit of vessel masters, showing the normal path of storms passing over the lake region. These charts also give the prevailing fog con- ditions during the month besides other useful information, All masters are entitled to these charts on application to any regular Weather Bureau station on the lakes