Be SNe es Ele bares ae SS SOS Ae ESL Si) Aah a PERE OO OS RRE ERS D: FL SY Nei RiP a DETROIT RIVER. 88a. Amherstburg Range Lights.--Two red lights shown from lens lanterns to guide into the river. Front tower white, open frame, 50 feet high, and 80 feet from the water edge, 2,300 feet north of Fraser's dock. Rear tower red, open frame structure, 80 feet high, N. by E. 4 E., 475 feet from Front light; both towers are slatted on the side facing the range. : eG Bois Blane Range Lights (Front.)--A fixed white light, shown from a white iron tripod, with oval target at top. Light, 70 feet above water level; 300 feet from the extreme north point of island. : Rear Light.--Fixed red light, shown from red iron tripod with oval target at top. Light, 90 feet above water level; 450 feet S. by W. 4.W. from front light. The range leads to the foot of Lime-kiln cross- ing channel. Lime-kiln Crossing Range Lights.--Front Light is a fixed white light, visible 2 miles. Iron skeleton tower, 30 feet high. On crib in 6 feet of water, opposite Fort Malden. Rear Light is a fixed red light, visible 2 miles. Iron skeleton tower, 50 feet high. On crib in 4 feet of water, 890 feet S. Yo EH. from the Front light. The alignment of these lights can be kept from its intersection with the alignment of Bois Blanc Island range, northward to its intersection with the alignment of range lights at the head of Grosse Isle. a Lime-kiln Crossing Light-vessel (South) No. 64.--Small flat bottomed scow, with trunk cabin. Hull white, with " Lime-kiln Crossing South" in red letters on each side. Fixed white lens-lantern light suspended 19 feet above water from a crane on an upright rising above a tripod. Moored in 15 feet of water on west side of the south end of Lime-kiln crossing. Dredged channel. | The fog signal is a bell struck by hand. 'Texas dock, north 4,580 feet. Head of Bois Blanc range (front), 8. by W. % W., 3,600 feet. End of © railroad pier on Stony island, N. W. by N., 4,200 feet. Lime-kiln Crossing Light-vessel (North) No. 65.-- Small flat bottomed scow with trunk cabin, painted white, with " Lime- kiln Crossing North" in red letters on each side. Fixed white. lens- | lantern light shown from crane on an upright rising from a tripod. Moored in 15 feet of water on west side of the north end of Lime-kiln crossing. Dredged channel. Fog signal is a bell struck by hand. Texas dock, N. 4 E., 2,000 feet. Head of Bois Blanc Island Range (front) light, 8S. by W., 14 miles. Easterly end of railroad pier extending from Stony island, W. N. W., qs mile. Ballard's Reef Light-vessel No. 63.--Small flat bottomed scow, painted red, with '" Ballard's Reef" in white letters on each side. Fixed red lens-lantern light suspended from crane on an upright rising from a tripod. Moored in 15 feet of water off the easterly end of Bal- lard's reef, making off from Grosse isle, west side of the river. Fort Malden Range Lights.--To mark the best channel from the head of the Lime-kiln Crossing cut to the foot of Fighting island. Front light fixed white, shown from an open frame tower, painted white, 50 feet high, opposite the lower end of the Lime-kiln Crossing cut. Rear light fixed red, shown from an open frame tower, 80 feet high, painted