182 LAKE MICHIGAN. ward of Pierhead light insures clearing Racine reef. Wind Point (Racine Point) light-house, N. by E. 4 E., 32 miles. | RACINE PIERHEAD LIGHT-STATION.--A fixed red lens-lantern light, visible 2 or 3 miles. Lantern in outer end of conduit, extending 288 feet to old pierhead tower. Keeping the light open to the southward of the main light clears Racine reef. Width between piers, 270 feet. The north pier extends into the lake in an E,4N, direction, : : Racine Harbor.--The improvements consist of two piers and a dredged channel between them, connecting the mouth of Root river with the deep water of Lake Michigan. The north pier as now con- structed extends 50 feet farther into the lake than the south pier. Direction of piers E. by N. The two lights in range lead to the end of the north pier, and is a guide to enter the harbor at night. Depth of water: Owing to the formation of sand bars at the outer ends of the piers no reliable information can be given. The Life Saving Station _ 1s inside the harbor. Racine Reef.--Black, Ist-class can buoy, in 17 feet of water. On the westerly edge of Racine reef and about 1,100 yards 8. W. by W. from its shoalest spot, which lies E. by S., 14 miles from Racine light-house. The reef extends in an E. N. E. and W.S. W. direction about five-eighths of a mile, and north and south about three-eighths of a mile, with 8 feet of water on its shoalest part. The channel between the reef.and the city has a depth of water from 3 to 6 fathoms; sand and clay. Racine Pier light, W. N. W. # W., 18 miles. Wind Point light-house (Racine Point), N. by W., 3g miles. This reef is covered by a red light, dis- played from the watch room in the tower at Wind Point light-station. Racine Reef, East End.--Red spar buoy, 25 feet long, in 18 feet of water. Marks the eastern point of Racine reef, least depth of water between the buoys is 8 feet. Racine Pierhead light, W. § N., 24 miles. Wind Point light, N. by W. % W., 34 miles. WIND POINT, OR RACINE POINT, LIGHT-STA- TION.--A flashing white light, 3d order, visible 18 miles; interval be- tween flashes, 30 seconds. In addition to the 3d-order light there is dis- played from the watch-room window of the same tower, immediately under the main light, a small fixed rxEp light of the 6th order, with an arc of illumination covering Racine reef, a dangerous ledge of rocks, lying 8. by E. + E., 4 miles distant from the light-house. This red light is visible between the bearings N. 4 W. and N. N. W. + W., from sea- ward. Yellow tower, 102 feet high, connected by acovered way with brick dwelling, both yellow. On Wind Point, 34 miles north of Racine light, Wisconsin. During thick and foggy weather, there is sounded at this station a 10-inch steam fog-whistle, giving a blast of 3 seconds, fol- -- lowed by an interval of 26 seconds; then a blast of 5 seconds, fol- lowed by an interval of 26 seconds. Milwaukee (North point) light- house, N. by W. 2 W., 203 miles. Grosse Pointe light-house, S. $ E., 503 miles. Milwaukee Pierhead Beacon-light.--A fixed red light, 4th order, visible 124 miles. White, open frame-work tower, 32 feet high. On the outer end of the north pier, at the entrance into Milwau-