186 LAKE MICHIGAN. i entrance, and a channel midway between the piers about 100 feet wide, with a depth a os of 14 feet. There is no outer bar. The pier ends are opposite to each other. A . ee breakwater commencing at a point on the prolongation of the north pier, about 5,000 feet from its outer end, extends toward the shore in a northwesterly direction about 400 feet. - Manitowoc Bay has good anchorage and affords protection from all winds, ' A except from northeast by the eastward to south. The shore is bold, and can be i a approached within one-third of a mile. ae TWO RIVERS PIERHEAD BEACON-LIGHT.--A ee fixed red light, visible 84 miles. On the outer end of the north pier, j harbor of T'wo Rivers. White open frame tower, the upper part enclosed 7 for,a watch room. Lantern black, light 354 feet above lake level. She- os a: boygan light-house, Wis., S. by W., 273 miles; Manitowoc Pierhead a Je light, Wis., S. W., 5% miles; Grande Pointe au Sable light-house, Mich., ae Pe, E., 53: miles. 7 a ; Two Rivers Harbor.--The improvements consist of two par- g i allel piers and a dredged channel between them, connecting the mouth © 3 of the river with the deep water in Lake Michigan. The north pier is ' 1,810 feet long, and the south pier 1,710. Width between piers at the'. " yo outer end, 250 feet. Depth of water: The channel is midway between = = the piers, 90 feet wide and 12 feet deep. Direction of piers, S. E. 2S. 4 es The Life Saving Station is at the entrance on the north side. Sieh TWIN RIVER POINT LIGHT-STATION.--A fixed ee | white light, varied by white flashes every 30 seconds, 3d order, visible 18 . sy miles. White tower, 100, feet high, connected by a covered way with i. oe dwelling. A coast light, on Rawley's point, about 5 miles to the north- 7a Oe ward of Twinrivers. The light stands on a low sandy shore. Pine - barrens to the north, south and west. The fog-signal is a 10-inch steam a. whistle, giving blasts of 5 seconds duration at alternate intervals of 10 "a and 40 seconds. Fog-signal house is on the beach 225 feet southeast of ee the light-house. Grande Pointe au Sable light, E.2.S., 50 miles. Petite re Pointe au Sable light, S. E. by E., 62 miles. as Good anchorage and shelter from S. and §. S. E. gales can be found in the bight 64 miles north of Twin River point. Come-to in 4 or 5 fathoms of water. . | Two Creeks, 7 miles north of Twin River Point light, has a pile pier. Dean's Pier is 13 miles to the northward of Twin River Point light. Eos KEWAUNEE PIERHEAD LIGHT-STATION.--A fixed red light, | ery 6th order, visible 8} miles. White, square, open framework tower 864 feet high, Poe 230 feet from the outer end of the north pier at the mouth of the Kewaunee river. a A guide to enter the river. Width between piers at entrance, 200 feet. The north | pier extends into the lake in an E.S8. E. direction. Life Saving Station at the inner end of the north pier. The fog-signal is a 10-inch steam whistle, and during, thick and foggy weather sounds blasts of 3 seconds' duration, followed by silent interval of 17 seconds. Fog-signal house on pier in rear of light tower. Wewaunee Pierhead (front) Light.--Fixed red tubular lantern light, 24 feet above lake level. Light shown from outer end of elevated conduit extend- ing shoreward 200 feet to pierhead light tower on outer end of north pier. With Pierhead (rear) light forms a range showing direction of piers and course for en- tering the harbor. | - Kewaunee Harbor.--The improvement consists in the formation of a SS channel, from a point about 2,000 feet south of the mouth of the Kewaunee river, through a spit 800 feet wide, connecting the river with the deep water in Lake es, Michigan. The piers have been extended, the pierhead light moved out, and the : - channel dredged. Width between piers, 200 feet. Direction of piers, E. S. E. - of _ As now constructed, the north pier extends about 70 feet beyond the south pier. i See sa eegiage SAT PO ae ite Mee ie eae RTI eR eRe ak pr ea tan PE Gee ioe See Li