10 CHANGES AND ADDITIONS. nun buoy formerly marking Outer Shoal, to the southward and west- ward of the entrance to Porte des Morts Passage from Lake Michigan. Porte des Morts (Pilot Island) light-house, N. 6° 40' E,, about 33 miles. Plumb Island Ranges (Front Light).--Fixed red light, sixth order, 32 feet high. Light shown from window of small white two- story frame tower, square at base, octagonal at top. On the southerly side of Plum Island entrance to Green Bay. Rear Light--Fixed red light, fourth order, light 683 feet high, visible 16 miles, Square, white, pyra- midal, skeleton iron tower. 'I'wo-story buff brick double dwelling with red roof, about 100 feet SSE. from tower. Red brick fog signal build- ing with red roof, about 1286 feet N. 23° 50' W. from tower. On the westerly side of Plum Island entrance to Green Bay. The fog signal is a first class steam siren and sounds blasts of 3 seconds' duration, separ- ated by silent intervals of 17 seconds. These lights mark the entrance to Green Bay through the Porte des Morts Passage. The rear light. serves as a Coast Light for Green Bay. Pilot Island Light SE. 7K. 2y% miles. Death Door Bluff W. 3S. 57s miles. West Bluff of Washington Island N. 1° 20' E. 54 miles. : "STRAITS OF ST, MARY. Change in Position of Rains Wharf Range Lights. --The masts from which the range lights at Rains wharf, in the River St. Mary, Ont., were exhibited, were moved to an alignment about 80 feet northward of the old alignment, so that the range lights are now in the same alignment as the American range lights at Point. of Woods, and mark, as nearly as may be, the axis of the improved channel. The front range light now stands on the shore north of Rains wharf. The lantern is elevated 21 feet above water. The rear light mast stands 436 feet SE. + E. from the front light. The lantern is elevated 26 feet above water. In other respects the range is unchanged, and the two lights in one guide through Dark Hole Passage as before. Pilot Island Range Lights.--The color of each of the lights of this range, located on the,south side of Mud Lake, St. Marys River, has been changed from red to white. Sault Ste. Marie Canal Range Lights.--The Range Lights to mark the upper and lower approaches to the Canadian canal at Sault Ste. Marie, in the River St. Marie, Ontario, are now in operation. The front range light of the pair marking the approach to the canal from the eastward is an electric red light elevated 37 feet above the level of the river and visible 3 miles from all points of approach by water. The lan- tern is elevated on a pole standing near the outer end of the Lake Super- ior Powers Co.'s jetty, the pole rendered more conspicuous by a target. The rear light is a similar light elevated 59 feet above the water and standing 1,300 feet NW. 2 N, from the front light. The two lights in one lead from the American channel up the middle of the dredged approach between. the red and black buoys to the piers at the east end of the canal. The front range light of the pair marking the approach to the canal from the westward consists of a group of incandescent elec- tric white lights placed in a wooden lantern erected on top of the crib-