JOHN S. PARSONS - (Successor to DAN'L LYONS & SON) Ship Chandlery, Sail and Rigging Loft Tarred Manilla and Sisal Cordage, Wire Rope, Pitch, Tar, Canvass, Oakum, Blocks, Lamps, Flags, Paints, Oils, Etc. Cor. West Cayuga and Water Sts. OswWEGo, N. Y. : THE BATH CITY MT. CLEMENS, MICH. q{ Famous for its marvelous mineral waters--a | 3 | specific for all forms of Rheumatism, Skin» and Nervous Diseases. A Winter Resort as well as Summer. : Special attention to treatment during winter months. | @_ Nine large and 'modern Bath Houses and many Hotels and Boarding Houses. FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Cizmens, Micu.