SCOTT'S NEW. COAST PILOT. CHANGES AND ADDITIONS. CORRECTED TO THE OPENING OF NAVIGATION, 1907. ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. Ogdensburg Harbor.--A gas buoy, ante black, numbered 5 " and. showing a fixed white light during pertods of 10 seconds separated by eclipses of 10 seconds' duration, has been substituted tor Inner Buoy, 5,2 20-foot spar, to mark the easterly side of the inner end of the channel. Ferry Wharf.--Lower corner N. E. by E. % E. 850 feet. R. W. O. R. R. wharf, lower corner S. by E. 3% E. 560 feet. Ogdensburg light house W. +4 5N. 560: feet: : Prescott Experimental Light House and Gas Buoy Lights.--A tower and lantern have been erected on the wharf at the Dominion Lighthouse Depot, Prescott, from which powerful lights may be exhibited from time to time, for the purpose of carrying on experiments 'with illuminating appa- ratus. The tower is a wooden structure 10 feet high, painted whte, sur- mounted by a lantern 12 feet in diameter, painted red. The height of the structure from base to vane is 28 feet and the lights will be exhibited at an average height of 20 feet above river level. Lights may be exhibited also from time to time from gas buoys moored near the Lighthouse Depot. Mariners are cautioned that these lights are not intended as aids to navi- gation but are solely for experimental purposes. CAPE VINCENT BREAKWATER EAST END LIGHT- STATION. -__The tower from which this light is shown has been moved to the eastward and located on the breakwater at a point about 20 feet from its easterly end. The distance between these lights is now 800 feet. X LAKE ONTARIO SACKETT'S HARBOR LIGHT STATION.--tThe intensity of the light at this station has been slightly increased by changing the Hla og ae apparatus. Ford Shoal.--Black spar buoy has been numbered "5." PORT DALHOUSIE RANGE LIGHT STATION.--Rear Light, the intensity of this light has been increased by changing from a reflector to a fourth-order electric light, without change in characteristic, and its visibility from points lakeward increased to 13 miles in clear weather. Front Light, the intensity of this light has been increased by changing from a seventh to a sixth-order electric light, its characteric changed to Bae