10 : INDEX TO RULES FOR STEEL AND IRON VESSELS. Pumps, etc: (see machinery rules index)- -.. .....---._--____ Proportions ....--.- =. Bi pe ee ee eee Quadruple riveting -.-. 6 2-. - eos eee ee Quality of materia? 5. ¢ o_o ti eee ee Oparter decks, scantlags for raised .--- --__ ---_-_____-______. Quarter stanchions... .«--s.1-+.04.48sidi ou Raised forétastles!:.4_ 002 - saee- sre te Raised quarterdecks and poops ---+-. 4-44.22 2-24. 5251 siLiu ue Reduction of outside plating at ends-.~...~....-~..--~.-- ik Reduction of topside plating, spar deck vessels-......-.------ Reduction of topside plating, awning deck vessels ----------- Reductions, special for steel towbarges ---- -------- ---------- Repairs, té be sutveyede: ---- 222.2 2000 2045 200+ 22-2 ---- +--+ --+- Reverse frames, dimensions of .....-.5 2102214 ata sei ak Reverse frames, on floors in E and B space----------------- Reverse frames, awning deck vessels----------------- teed oh Reversé framds, spar deck vessels... ..-..0---+.---------=--- Rivets and rivet spacing' -.4+-.22 1222 Jaca tube uit 1a. se Riveting of sheerstake and stringers----------.-------------- Riveting, systém of buttStrap --.=..........--~.-+..--------- Riveting, System of overlap butt -..-«.--...-.0-. 21-02-64 -200 Rudder, balance ind gudgeon-:-.-2..2..000-20..-+2.+-----5 dee Seer aline tipe. ..- .--_ ---. .... -....--. - Rudder, singled plate .- 2. ~ -= 2224 2200 2002 000- serene one nok Rudder stocks and pintles, diameter of...-.......--...44-c54- Rules for Machinery and boilers, index to ...........-....--.- Rules for oil carrying vessels, index to ---------.--.--- aaneees Rules for Woodert Vedsels; index: to «106 002 5:222560--0snosennses Scantlings for awning detk vessels. ..22.222-ss20.s02ss02is-44 Scantlings for spat declé vessels ---- «-2= = ..05 2222 csesuces ens SOUP PCRS 4-4-0 BA w pence ne cet ee came acne cine nnenss> Seats, riveting 6f .-. . 0s. - 2222 2ce veces ccs cncenenncsecesanns Second periodical survey -.-------------- seuntcne sasueeen ces Shade deck vdssels 04.4 ccaswsue contenetase cence cencnune Sees e, CISD OE ios 2 oe cnc oon ex ote cence ne . Scere e HUiMirans Can ce, Shéerstrake dbulie hutifiraps:..... ~~~ 22. nec eens Sheerstrake, of awning Heck. vessels - ~~. --.- --cn cece nnececre POM ran 6 IN ee ee BamGne DONS Nie 6 68.) Riise RO oo ee tne es LO Page. 19 52 54 26 36 25 26 44 24 25 45 20 66 35 34 34 51 52 97 99 109 33 IIO 56 126 13 147 24 24 49 53 21 25 45 45 35 44 49 15 Sec. I 59 65 13 24 12 13 40 9 Io 43 I 22 22 22 22 Par, Table. 14&15 Side and bilge keelsons single bottom vessels ---------------- Side girder keelsons double bottom vessels------------------- Single Ucck yessels ..-._-. .-..--.-..------+++---+- ------~-- Stigle Duusirans 6 ek oe Single plate radder, drawinps of .....___-.___ ..__.__-_._----- Sketch of buttstrap and lap butt riveting, figures 7, 8, 9, Io, 11, if, yx end (66 gi Soactie of 0 d Dias oe Spacing of side keelsons double bottom vessels- ---- ---------- Ce Or NEE bk ho eee en =e Spacing of side and bilge keelsons single bottom vessels -- ---- Spacing of webs Fears oc ee Spat GGCk vessels: 62... Spar déck wessela, stantlings for... at _-..5 Special reduction for towbarmes ..._.... 8 ....- Spotial survey for holes Soectial (yes Ol Sess a yer ee Sianciioue, Obst end Wild... SUPRA iB, AMIR 5b ens SEROUS a eo os es oe ea ees SOQ ak os ho ee a cee ee re re ee ee ee ee ce Sternpost-and propellor. frame -_....--- eens sews seme wee BL Stockiess ANChOLS @5 20220) a ee Stringer anglés awning, deck vessels-...--- sivesen-ansucdeelc Stringers OO SUINGEr ADE C88 ok ik ee ee dee on SEER WE kh i is enn wins Siringers bor awning deck voscels..._......_-..... -.---.--._- Stringers, hold ..-.1--e0p-.--.-2----- the ien aces oa. seco bore Stingers, d€CK 4<-- no-en5-4----... +---.~---- + plea meetin Stowage of grain cargoes .... .-.-..-....-. glassy ceric Strasetural alteration=..... .... ......--- dbesmepseisadd-obonin a EUR DOM a es oe oie os eee neg cen SUDEIVISIOD, HU AUE GRCOE oe ge ce nek ene coe oes Suppressed deck beams, compensation for ----..---------..-- Surveys annubl 54--.- -..- 4.--~--- ---- ; wlevesy-nee text olesiis 4 Surveys, during construction pumice peridics: secend........-... ..........,._... ip neiiey Survey (966. 4.-26--¢ 4... 4... ...--25..-..-alesaoe apoliod abe SUC INE OE ie is ke oi hoon cs Symbols for steel and iron vessels -_-__...............-.....-. Speier OF FV ee UREA on ox na cee cose cecn peer ones nes mo mbcrs Of Fivelas OVENAD DUIS... . noose ureuenenccccc s<« System of stiffening watertight bulkheads -.--.--- --.- -<s-+-4+ et ee ae eee Page. 4I 38 27 110 101 37 42 37 24 24 45 19 19 43 44 44 31 32 {71, 172 25 43 82 25 42 43 15 20 46 19 36 21 21 21 20 20 19 97 107 Sec. ------ oo a Se NN SS HS