RULES AND TABLES THE CLASSIFICATION AND BUILDING S REL AND IRON VESSELS. The board of management begs to call the attention of ship owners and their agents to the following rules and regulations for the classification of vessels, trusting they will be convinced of the importance of submitting their vessels regularly to the surveys required by the rules. The board of management begs to give notice that it declines all responsibility for errors and omissions which might be found in Great Lakes Register or supplements. SECTION 1. 4. In submitting rules and tables for the building and classification of steel 1. Great Lakes Register has established the following numerals and term and iron vessels the Committee have considered the modern types only, known of years to express the degree of confidence placed in steel and iron vessels: as bulk freighters, package freighters or spar deck vessels, and passenger or awn- ing deck vessels. See pages 27 to 30. Ss The Committee will, however, give full and careful consideration to any ( 100 4 special type that may be submitted, and a class will be given in accordance 95 4 with their structural and general condition, though not built in every respect to The class and term of years may be continued as long as the 90 4 the rules and tables of the Register. vessel's efficiency is maintained and the requirements for ~ 85 3 5. The gradings of the scantlings, in the various tables, placed opposite the periodical surveys, Sections 3 to 6, are complied with. 80 3 figures representing the vessel's dimensions, the Committee believes possess 70 9 advantages over that of other works of the kind, as it dispenses with the compli- 60 9 cated table of extreme proportions, and otherwise assists in giving the builder : and architect the desired dimensions of scantlings from the tables without further 2. Vessels built under the supervision of a surveyor to the Register and corrections. See Sec. 7, par. 6. classing 90, 95 and roo, will be entitled to the supervision symbol @, but no 6. The vessel's name and principal features of her construction are entered supervision symbol will be giver. to vessels below the go grade. in the Register in a clear line across the face of the open page. The symbol. column being a new and important feature rarely, if ever, found in other 3. The tables from 1 to 15 are primarily for steel vessels. An addition Classification Registers. of 20 per cent. should be made to the tabular thickness of scantlings given in : es a ae . : isi neces the Class pounds when iron is used. 7. The supervision symbol above referred to, which enha value, cannot be obtained unless the vessel has been built under the supervision In the substitution of iron for thin steel, the increase may be modified. of a surveyor for the Register. 19