LIST OF OWNERS AND MANAGERS, WITH NAMES AND GROSS TONNAGE OF VESSELS THEY CONTROL. Dryer, R. K. Rochester, N. Y. Sin. Yt. Cinderella. 7 29 Sch. Yt. Wave Crestoo225 SS Ducton, A. C. Alexandria Bay, N. Y. Bip. Clover. <3... 2s i Dudley, Steve. Hesperia, Mich. Sch. Wren. 2b so Z Dueno, August. Manitowoc, Wis. Tug Jas. N. Brooks?) 60.0, 10 Dulac, Bert S. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Prop. Mineral City... 60 57 Dulac, Wm. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Prop. A. Weston .. 50 oa 511 Prop. Canisteo. 0.6 595 Prop. Chas. A. Street. ...2:..40..0.. 2S a2 Prop... &. Buell... 5... Tus Adele .......... 2. 3 Sch. A. Stewart....... ge as ee Sch. "HMleanor...: 2.2.5... 421 Sch. Hivina.>:.. 0.3. 296 Sch. Eugenia Vesta.............. .> 140 Sen. Pago ee, << 26 Sch. -Jenetle ..2. c.50 5 ae ee se B29 Sch." J. 3. hoezen ooo 565 Sch. Jeremiah Godfrey ..... 693 Sch, 8.8: Pomeroy. 3772. | .. 406 Sch; Wim. B, Ogden> 3. t.c060 . 33? 298 Duluth Dredge & Dock Co. Duluth, Minn. Tue Wiie ho. 36 Dunbar & McMillan. Michigan City, Ind. Prop: America. i468 os cing ee 486 Dunbar, C. F. Buffalo, N. Y. St. Yt: GOssoon. 3. so... 6s es a 14 Tug Paddy Miles......5 3.2... 4.22 33 Tug Phil Sheridan (steel).... BD Tug Shaughraun (iron) ...... cope 4b Tug . Spalpeen Grom). .1.0..255- 3: 29 Dunbar, E. Grand Haven, Mich. Prop. A. B: Paylor........2.5. -.....- 38 Duncan, John. Green Bay, Wis. Prop. John Duncan. © .0.5)0 7.0 1267 Dunham, Jas. §. (See Chicago Steamship Co.) Chicago, Ill. Sch. Amaretta Mosher................ 300 Seh. Jas: G: Blaine 2302. Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co. J. R. Sinclair, Supt. Chicago, Il. fue A. G. Vanschaick.. 9. 2 ue A: Willer... A ee ug Chas. Halladay ..3.<. 28.3: Oe CGRP. i 6k 'ue CrAWIOrd ug GC. M. Charniey .... 28h. co aue DP Ba. aeeG.W. Gardner. os. fue dames A. Quinn: 22 tug J.C. tvans.... 2. Ae aeie oes, HW OMaCkey 6.6... sue. Bi JORNSON, ug Moiiie Spencer'. 2. ee ae MOBNCr 3. mus i. G. Heusier ) 7 ee Blt OP BG OC a ue Periection .°. eee oe, Ue PPOGIEy os aE ees WUs TrOeeCuOn - oc... a a, ue hae McDonald... 2c Tue Robert Parrant..... 65. see Woe TC. bite... .. 2. een gue aT. Moriord oo... ee UG, WeleCOmies 3. i ey Bue Wm. Dickinson .. 2. cee. meting Wo de. AUWI Ss So Dunseith, John. Toledo, O. tus Fannie L. Bakers... 6. 6. ciies. fue Jos: 8. Spinner, 3. 70. Durand, Homer. Toledo, O. Seh, Anna Ki Bishop... 4... Ben. 1B. ROCK, <0 Durfee, W. R. Ashland, Wis. ue Wimerayg . ois. te eae: Durkee, G. R. Sebewaing, Mich. Sch. G. R. Durkee... .. 0... et Dutcher, C. W. Sebewaing, Mich. Sch. George Penniman............... Dutcher, H. Sebewaing, Mich. Duvall, Henry. Manistique, Mich. Tue Bob Stephenson ....45..02.0..06: Dykes, E. H. Grand Haven, Mich. pen. Mary E. Dykes. 2..4.0.. 05.2 et Ebart, Chas. Bay City, Mich. Pen; Montpelier 2.6 ie ees 25 Eberts, John. Detroit, Mich. St Yt. Nymph... Ecorse Trans. Co. Detroit, Mich. Prop, Jesse H: Farwell 0 a Eddy-Shaw Co. Bay City, Mich. Prop. City of Bangor eee Oe Prop: i, C. Pope (steel) «2.20... 0. Prop. Penobscot (steel) .............. 'Prop. Selwyn Eddy (steel)............ Edson, E. R. Cleveland, O. ue W. G. Harrow 2.6 oo. as Edson, L. C. Vermillion, O. UG J. WYIBNG . 8c. oo. ee Edwards, Minnie E. Chicago, Il. pen. West Side 7.6... eae Egan, W. M. Chicago, Il. Prop. John Plankinton......: 2.6. Prop. Philip Prop: Bz P. Witzeerald |) Prop, Wiley M. Means. ecco. Eggart, Chas. A. Muskegon, Mich. Sch. Kate Lyons...... Eggers, J. Milwaukee, Wis. Sen. John Hever. 6. Eichenlaub, Wm. E. Erie, Pa. oe Urea B, Wal ce Eichler, F. Mi: Vela ee ee. Eilers, Remmer. -- No. Muskegon, Mich. Bch. Romulguse seo ec as Eisenhardt, Geo. St. Joseph, Mich. SCH SOR PAO oe. ccs een Ellery, D. Bay City, Mich. Beh: BeEMINOle 3s... 5 ea Elliott, D. EUS JOH eo. 47 1200 369 2637 2846 13 1821 1990 1681 1677 201 14 10 188 14 Ellis, Chas. H. Milwaukee, Wis. Prop. ten. se. 166 Sch. Grace Grummond (iron) ...... 205 Sch, Nealis Atk. | 8 148 Ellis, Jasper. Clayton, N. Y. POP: COUDBDIA oo. cist ee BB Ellis, W. A. Peshtigo, Wis. Prop. I. Watson Stephenson.......... 639 beh. Thos. L. Parker- > 23075) 628 Emery, C. G. Clayton, N. Y. Dip; Hival 2:2) os. en 10 E. T. Emmens. Menominee, Mich. Sen. Mary... ci 18 Emmy, T. : St. Clair, Mich. Prop. R. C. Britteifie 2 200 pen SA en) es 234 Emory, J. U. Northport, Mich. aus Onekama. . 000.0. 62-7. 88 Endress, E. G. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. sue MOBO A 99 Tus ©. W: ndress,.73) 2 78 England, Geo. Detroit, Mich. Prop, V. Ketcham... <0. 1660 Enos, C. Clayton, N. Y. ech. Cormea. .... 006: os cs dee. eee 100 Enright, John. Toledo, O. Behe Arte). o.oo as ae a ae Erickson, Jas. Seb Chas Duling... ee: 195 Erie & Buffalo §S. S. Co. Sandusky, O. ; 8.W. Pennsylvania (steel)............ 747 Ervig, Emil. Pt. Washington, Wis. Tug Hannah Sullivan... ....0072..025 29 Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Co. Escanaba, Mich. wus Monarch 2 oe ope 147 Eureka §. 8S. Co. Cleveland, O. Prop. Hureka (steel)... 52.5 ..67 6s 2122 Evans, E. T. (See Anchor Line.) Evans, §. S. Bois Blane, Mich. Sch. Gliding Star. ......55.. 17 Eveleigh, James. Sacket's Harbor, N. Y. Sen. Sen Foam §...0... 40 Everett, J. Oak Park, Ill. Tug EK. Prindiville.... 00.402 24 Sue SUCCCRR ee 26 Ewing, A. T. Chicago, Ill. pe. Yb, Alpania? 2. ee 18 Sb. St. VEUREEE 2 ae Faggart, B. B. Yt, Uitttle: MaG.o.. ..42 6550 a Fahrney, H. E. Chicago, Tl. St: Yt. AMOS . 2. ke Fairchild, A. Frankfort, Mich. Tug Magpie Lutz......5.4.....4..5.. 19 Fanshawe, J. R. Philadelphia, Pa. Prop. Albert Wallace...2.i5 .30 134 ssa 279 Faragher, Wm. Cleveland, O. Prop. Dan Kunz. .,. 2.0.06. 25sec 99 Farnsworth, Geo. J. Nahma, Mich. Tug Sunbeam ...... 26... 6a. oe ee Farrand, Geo. E, East Tawas, Mich. Sch: Alvina... 0.6665... ae Re Fellows, Geo. D. Racine, Wis. Sch. Graham Brothers... ..:........5..,. 82 Fennelly, E. Ashland, Wis. Sch, Louise ¢..065. 045.45 3 Hiivesec cane 39 Fetterly, Stephen. Oak Harbor, O. Tur D. Dussaule 2... cess sevice oe Ba ate Tea ce BN et OT. RU ES oe oS