roe wey SPIELE SR Me REP: i elk oe aOR i or aaa Re aes | ake : Te ge eee e | a _ KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS. -- | 'coLumn. COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN, » = COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN. COLUMN, \ _ TYPE OF ~ NUMBER WHEN . / "A VESSEL. FLAG. MATERIAL. DECKS. BUILT. CLASSIFICATION, SYSTEM OF ENGINES. TYPE OF BOILERS, ; Brg. _ Barge. Am. American. | Bir. Birch. One Re. Rebuilt.;----- Class Suspended. | Ann'Ir Comp. Annular Compound. Invrt'd Osc. Inverted Oscillating Drybt'm. Dry Bottom. <a c.B. (Canal Boat. |Can, Canadian. | Bee. Beech. = | aig Survey Not Com-| Beam Comp. Beam Compound. -- Ores Fire-box,. Fire-box. Sch. ; Schooner, Eng. English. Comp. Composite. H.B Hold . ; plied With. Comp. Cond. Compound Condensing. L. P. Low Pressure. Scotch, Scotch. : Sip. Sloop. Cd. " Cedar. _-- === Class Withdrawn. | Dble. Stple. Comp. Double Steeple Compound. _ Oscl. Oscillating. Water-tube. Water-tube. "i emeles "ag sox a ca? Netcom Dre Hoven! Sort quay, Guadrieizami Leone er : sification see Rules Page . a Stple.Comp.. Steeple Compound. --- Gunboat. _.|Prop. Propeller La. Larch, 19 for Steel Vessels, and| . p, Cond. High Pressure Condensing. : : : Page 149 for Wooden Ves- : Triple. Exp. Triple Expansion. Tug. Tug. Lo. Locust. ; sels. : H. P. Non Cond. High' Pressure Non Condensing. : TS. Twin Screw. Mx. Mixed Wood. Horiz. Cond. Horizontal Condensing. ¥t. Yacht. My. Mahogany. Incl'd. Cond. Inclined Condensing. + Oak. Oak. Incl'd. Non Cond. Inclined Non Condensing. Be: : | Pi. Pine. Incl'd. Comp. Inclined Compound. es ee . : Pp. Pitch Pine. Incl'd. Tan. Comp. Inclined Tandem Compound. > La Spr. Spruce. Inv'rtd. H. P. Inverted High Pressure. - Steel. Steel. Iny' rtd: H.-P. Non | Inverted High Pressure Non. Cond. | Condensing. SYMBOLS OF CONSTRUCTION: AND ABBREVIATIONS : " Awning or Hurricane Deck Vessel. [#] Steel Tank Top where no Wood Ceilings are Fitted. Btm, clk. Bottom Calked. Se i&@_~Bottom Sheathed with Iron for Winter Service. @& Special Supervision, Vessel Built Under. Clk. Calked all Over. &\ Bow Strengthened for Ice. rt Spar Deck Vessel. c. Copper Fastened. _ \@) Bulkheads, Number of Watertight. --- Shade Deck Vessel. Ch. S. Channel System, Built on. | es Bulkheads, not Watertight. || Steam Pump Wells. Fr. & Pass. Freight and Passenger. at. . L Canvas Sufficient to Work the Vessel. |S] Steel Boiler House. Gv. Galvanized Fastenings. i Composite Built Vessel. wr Single Deck Vessel Whose Sides have been Built up Connecting Fore- M. Yellow Meta'. te {J Center Board. castle and Poop. Pass. Passenger Vessel. r x Diagonal Strapping on Frames. wr Well Deck Vessel. R.Q.:D. Raised Quarter Deck. ' (4) Double Bottom for Water Ballast. €> Whaleback Steamer. R. P. Raised Poop. 4 i) Double Bottom not Watertight. Whaleback Bue. L. rps. Large Repairs. ; 8 Electric Light Plant. © Windlass Between Decks with no Efficient Bulkhead Abaft Same. Rps. Repairs. 2 ( Seon ar Steel Hull with Wood Upper Works. }¥] Wooden Boiler House SP. TT provided with Steam Power for working jel Iron Lined Boiler House. : ry ees Giches: . ' wil | Machinery and Boilers of a Novel Description. e Waended Sheathing of Steel: Pottem. ' jn ee kk Taj Wooden Vessel with Bow Sheathed for Ice. & Steam Towing Machine. . ' . os > - cs : : tou eo