GREAT LAKES REGISTER RULES AND TABLES The Rules and Tables for the Construction and Classification of Steel, Iron, and Wooden Vessels navigating the Great Lakes, have the approval and endorsement of Bureau VeERiTAas of France, and the existing alliance of Bureau Veritas with Great Lakes Recister enables the Committee to issue Certificates of Classification, for over-sea navigation, to lake-built vessels whose construction and equipment are suitable for ocean navigation, and are approved and accepted by the Committee. The endorsement of Great Lakes Rectster Rules and Tables, by the depart- mental chiefs of Bureau VERITAS, whose names are given below, enhances their value in connec- tion with the shipbuilding and commerce of the Great Lakes, BUREAU VERITAS COMMITTEE EDMOND BAL, Esa.. O 4h ActTinG Drrectror To BuREAU VERITAS A. BORJA pr MOZOTA, Esa, O 3a Direcror to BuREAU VERITAS M. DAYMARD, INSPECTOR GENERAL TO BUREAU VERITAS A. BERTRAND, CurEF oF ADMINISTRATIVE DEpP'T AGENT FOR GREAT BRITAIN P. L. BRESLAUER, Care Bureau VERITAS, 155 Fenchurch St., London VESSELS BUILT UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF GREAT LAKES REGISTER WILL ALSO APPEAR IN BUREAU VERITAS REGISTER WITH THE NAVIGATION MARK He 3,3, LAKES, ¢, t.