ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS No. 1 Abitibi Navigation Co., Ltd., J. O. McKerrow, Traffic Mer., 408 University Ave., Phone Waverly 4571, Toronto, Ont. Str. Wahcondah No. 2 Algoma Central Steamship Line, Owned and Operated by Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Railway Co., G. H. Shanks, Supt., Foot of Bruce St., Phone 603, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Str. Algocen Str. Algorail Str. Algosoo Str. Algosteel No. 3 Algoma Transit Co., Ltd., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Str. Waconta. No. 3A All Waterways Navigation Corp., 60 East 42d St., New Vorrw N.Y. M.S. Dolomite No. 1 No. 4 American Construction Co., Merritt, Chapman & Scott Corp., Marion Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Str. Belgium No. 5 American Petroleum Transport Corp., Ludwig, Megr., 630 Fifth Ave., York, N. Y- M. S. Transoil . 6 American Shipbuilding Co., Foot West 54th St. Woodbine 2280, Cleveland, Ohio. -iue Durocher, 1. L. -7 Ann Arbor Railroad Co., G. H. Sido, Mgr., 611 Olive St., Railway Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. O. T. Larson, Marine Supt., Frankfort, Mich. Str. Ann Arbor No. Str. Ann Arbor No. Str. Ann Arbor No. Str. Ann Arbor No. Str. Wabash. Operators, D. K. Phone Circle 6-3055, New No Phone No tere No. 8 Apostle Island Transp. Co., A. B. Garnich, Mgr., 400 7th Ave., Bayfield, Wis. Str. Madeline No. 9 Armentrout, C. W. & R. S., 412 East Fifth St., Phone 1758-J, Monroe, Mich. dug Robert 3. Bge. Arrow No. 10 Arnold Transit Co., O. W. Lang, Mgr., Union Docks, Phone 144, Mackinac Island, Mich. Str. Mackinac Islander Str. Perry, 0. PF. Ashley & Dustin Steamer Line, O. S. Dustin, Mgr., J. S. Brown, Gen. Pass. Agt., 170 First St., Phone Randolph 0230, Detroit, Mich. Str. Put-in-Bay © No. 11 Automotive Trades Steamship Co., T. J. McCarthy, Pres. & Mer., 210 Wayne St., Phone Cherry 6056, Detroit, Mich. No. 12 . Str: Ingalls, Gee, TH. Str LEremame, M.S. No. 13 Baldwin, Harold L., Foot of Dubois St., Detroit, Mich. Str. Featson No. 14 Bay of Quinte Transp. Co., Ltd., Picton, Ont. Str. Glen Allan Bay Transportation Co., A. Kuebeler, Jr., Pres., Foot of Columbus Ave., Phone Main 80, Sandusky, Ohio. Str. Boeckling, G. A. Gas--Str. America. No. 15 0%