ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. No. No. No. Z1 22 23 24 ee Navigation Co., Ltd., P. C.: Daley Mer. | Brown & Co. Mgrs., 921 Chamber of Commerce, British-American Oil Co., Ltd., W. G. Smith, Supt., Royal Bank Bldg., King and Yonge St., Phone Elgin 8311, Toronto, Ont. Str. Britamoil Str. Britamolene Str. Britamlube Str. Britamoco Str. Britamette Brown, 0. W. & P. M., Mackinac Island, Mich. Tug Mackinac Islander 7. St. Peter . Quebec, Que. Str. Admiral Str. Diamond Str. Horace Frost Str. Natalie Str. Nibroc Str. Rowell Brown, Victor W., 1139 Fifth St., Sie City oe... Hancock Sandusky, Ohio. Phone Cleveland 3920, Buffalo, N. Y. Brown Steamship Co. Sir, Brown. J. J. .H: Str. McAlpine, James E. Bryson, C. W., Rockefeller Bldg... Phone Main 8880, Cleve- land, Ohio. Copper Steamship Co. Str. Marita. India Navigation Co. Bge. India No. 27. Buckeye Steamship Co., J. T. Hutchinson, Mgr., Rockefeller Bldg., Phone Main 7135, Cleveland, Ohio. Str. Fairbairn, Sir? Wm: Str. McDougall, Alex Sir. Hlostord, iiarry VV. Str. Macbeth, A.D. . Str. Mariposa Str. Maritana Str. Stephenson, Geo. Str: Prstan Str. Upson, Andrew S. Bge. Maia Bge. Magna Bge. Marsala Bge. Tyrone No. 28 Buffalo Gravel Corp., R. W. Eberly, Mgr., 19 Hudson St., Bufialo; N=-¥: Str. Carroll, Weston M. Str. Crescent Str. Hyman, Myron: L. Str. Lakewood Stre Victoria No. 29 Burke Towing & Salvage Co., Ltd., Capt. E. F. Burke, Mgr., Capt. D. J. Burke, Supt., Foot of King St., Phone 541, Midtind, Ont. Str. Arlington Bge. Salvus Boe. Allan Noo 2 Tug Fanny Arnold No. 30 Canada Atlantic Transit Co., of U. S., Canadian National Ry. Co., R. B. Teakle, Mgr., 384 St. James St., Mon- treal,- Que. str. Canatco Str. Dalwarnic Str. Kearsarge Str. Orr, Arthur 99