No. 107 No. 108 a No. No. 110 No. 111 109 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued Imperial Oil Shipping Co., Ltd., Marine Dept. H. J. Rahlves, Mgr., J. E. Langdon, Supt., L. E. Bury, Pur. Agent, Imperial Oil Bldg., 56 Church St., Phone Wav- erly 6761, Toronto, Ont. Str. Acadialite Str. Imperoyal Str. Iocolite . Str. locoma Str. Ottawalite Str. Petrolite Str. Rideaulite Str. Royalite Str. Sarnolite Str. Simcolite Str. Talaralite Str. Windsorlite Inland Lines, Ltd., K. A. Scott, Mgr., Union Commerce Bldg., Main 7170, Cleveland, Ohio, and 635 Common St., Phone Marquette 8383, Montreal, Que. Str. Damia Str. Saracen International Harvester Co., H. F. Hughes, Asst. Mer., Harvester Bldg., Phone Andover 4200, 180 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Str. The Harvester Str. The International International. Paper Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. International No. 1 International Transit Co., A. E. Pickering, Mer., P. Martin, Supt. 527 Queen St. E., Phone 3100, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. ; M. S. Agoming No. 112 International Waterways Navigation Co., Ltd. R. A. No. No. No. No. No. -A13 114 115 116 117 118 Campbell, Megr.,.635 Common St., Phone Marg. 8383, Montreal, Que. Str. International Bge. Turret Cape Inter-Provincial Steamship Lines, Ltd, Royal Bank Chambers, George St., Phone B-8137, Halifax, N. S. Str. Delia Str. Moyra Str. Sonia Str. Ulva Str. Zenda Inter-State Steamship Co., R. W. England, Marine Mer., 815 Rockefeller Bldg., Phone Cherry 0364, Cleveland , Ohio. Str Str Str . Jones, B. FE. . King, Willis L. . Laughlin, James Str. Walters, Thomas Island Transportation Co., Miss Edith M. Keightley, Megr., St. Ignace, Mich. Str. Algomah M. S. Florence K. he & Sons, T. A., H. W. Ivey, Secy.-Treas., Port Dover, nt, ae Bge. Ivey, T. A. Jupiter Steamship Co., Walter C. Secord, Mer., Rocke- feller Bldg., Phone PR 5383, Cleveland, Ohio. Str. Jupiter Keenan Towing Co., Ltd., J. E. Keenan, Megr., Phone 186, Owen Sound, Ont. Bge. Proctor, Dan Tug Wahnipitae 109