Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Marine Directory of the Great Lakes, 1940, p. 117

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ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued Pittsburgh S. S. Co.--Continued Str. Zenith City Bge. Bryn Mawr Bge. Fritz, John Bge. Manila Bge. Roebling, John A. Bge. Smeaton, John No. 181 Prescott & Ogdensburg Ferry Co., Ltd., J. Gerald Dubrule, Mgr., S. J. Delaney, Port Capt., W. J. Jento, Chief. Eng., Kine St, Phene 340, Prescott,. Ont. Str. Levis Str. Joseph DuBrule Priddle, Edwin F., Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, Ont. Str. Mindemoya No. 182 No. 183 Pringle Barge Line Co., R. C. Pringle, Mgr., Rockefeller Bldg., Phone Main 6082, Cleveland, Ohio. Tug Barnhamsted Tug Crusador Bge. Constitution Bge. Maida Bge. Sagamore Pyke Salvage Co., Ltd., Grant Pyke, Mgr., 506 Princess St.; Phone 745 and 301, Kingston, Ont. Tug Salvage Prince Tug Salvage Queen Bge Davie, Geo. T. Bge. Enarco Bge. Hilda Bge. Warrenko No. 184 No. 185 Quebec Paper Sales & Transport Co., Ltd., R. P. Herman, Pres., 44 St. Louis St., Quebec, Que. M. S. Donpaco M. S. Donnacona No.: 1 M. S. Donnacona No. Z M.-S. Donnacona No. 3 M. S. Newscarrier M: S. Papercarrier No. 186 Quebec & Ontario Transportation Co., Ltd. F. J. Bying=- ton, Mer., L. McMillan, Supt. Eng., 680 Sherbrooke St., Phone Marquette 1685, Montreal, Que. Str. Chicago Tribune Str. Franquelin Str. Heron Bay Str. New York News. Str, Outardes Str. Shelter Bay Str. Thorold No. 187. Reiss Coal Co., The C., Reiss Bldg., Sheboygan, Wis. Tug Green Bay Tug Reiss No. 188 Reiss Steamship Co., W. W. Newcomet, Mgr., Reiss Bldg., Sheboygan, Wis., F. I. Kennedy, Charter Agent, Ter- minal Tower, Cherry 2207, Cleveland, Ohio. Str.. Byers, A. M. Str. Reiss Brothers Str. Reiss, Clemens A. Str. Ress, f. "Lh. Str. Reiss, John: P. Sir. Reiss. Otto M. Str. Reiss, Peter Str. Reiss, Richard. J, Str. Reiss, Wm. A. Str. Uhrig, Alex. B. Red Arrow Steamship Co. Str. Morrow, foe S. Rockport S. S. Co. Str. Kling, John A. Str. West, Chas. C. 117

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