ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 200 Shenango Furnace Co., C. J. Peck, Mgr., Wm. F. Riley, Supt., 1961 Union Commerce Bldg., Phone Cherry 0301, Cleveland, Ohio. Shenango Steamship Co. Str. Shenango Str. Schoonmacher, Colonel J. M. Str. Snyder, jr:, W. P. No. 201 Sincennes-McNaughton Tugs, Ltd., R. A. Campbell, Megr., W. B. Donnelly, Supt., 635 Common St., Phone Mar- quette 8383, Montreal, Que. Steamers Aube Barges Mamie Turret Court Derrick Lighters Brighton Cobourg Londonderry Tugs Eureka Pierre Racine Felicia Rival Fredmac Saraia "Cay Mathilda Yvon Dupre, Jr. Pratt, John No. 202 Sinclair, Gordon G., Wiarton, Ont. Bee. Imperial No. 203. Slate, Harry, Alexandria Bay, N. Y. Str. Riverside No. 204 Small & Son, Thomas A., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Str, Frie | No. No. No. No. 205 206 207 208 . 209 . 210 Smith Steamship Co., Leatham D., Box 66, River Rouge, Mich. Str, Sinaloa Socony=Vacuum Oil Go., 26° Broadway, New York, No-Y¥: Str. Traverse City Socony South Chicago Coal & Dock Co., 160 No. LaSalle St., Chicago, Ill. Str: Koalcrait Sowards, John F., Ontario St. N. E., Phone 155, Kingston, Ont. Str. Patdoris St. Lawrence Steamships, Ltd., Ernest S. Crosby, Pres. & Mer., Marine Trust Bldg., 239 Main St., Phone Cleve- land 1624, Buffalo, N. Y. Str. Algonquins Str. Cheyenne Str. Delaware Str: Sioux Standard Oil Co. (Ind'ana), F. D. Rexwinkle, Mer., 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago,- lll. and 119th and Front Sts., Phone 1600, Whiting, Ind. Str. Beaumont Parks Str. Cowan, Wm. P: Str. Red 'Crown Str-Séubest, Edw... G- Str. Stewart, Robert W: Tug Outagamie Bee. S. O-Co, Cl No. 211 Stanton Brothers, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, Ohio. Sir. F268. -S: 119