ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued Tomlinson Fleet--Continued. Sumatra S. S. Co. Str. Sumatra | Triton Steamship Co. | str. Bankey, RK. P. United Steamship Co. Str. Young, Colonel E. M. No. 224 Toronto Transportation Commission, H. C. Patten, Megr., David A. Peters, Supt., 35 Yonge St., Phone Waverly : \ 7611, Toronto, Ont. Str. Aylmer Str. Bluebell Str. Buttercup Str. Trillium M. S. Sam McBride Me 5. 1. J, Clark M. S. William Inglis Moi» Miss. York M. L. Miss Simcoe No. 225 Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Nav. Co., H. T. Malcolmson, Vice Pres., James and Hunter Sts., Phone Regent 4600, Hamilton, Ont. Car Ferry Maitland No. 1 No. 226 Transit Tankers & Terminals, Ltd., Gaston Elie, Mer., Joseph Duguay, Supt., 31 St. James St., Phone PL 9971, Montreal, Que. M.S. Pransiter Str. ITtansiake Str. Transriver Str. Itororo No. 227. Tree Line Navigation Co., Ltd., F. O. Dayton, Managing Director, 1010 Common St., Phone Marquette 7093, Montreal, Que. Str. Beechbay Str. Elmbay - Str. Pinebay Str. Sprucebay Str. Teakbay No. 228 Trotter, N., Little Current, Ont. Str. Hiawatha No. 229 Union Transit Co., Ltd., Geo. R. Donovan, Mgr., Excelsior Lité. Bldg: 36 Teronto St., 1 oronto,. Ont. Str. Schupp, William "No. 230 United States Coast Guard, Capt. W. A. Benham, Com- mander Cleveland District, Keith Bldg., 1621 Euclid Ave., Phone Main 8051, Cleveland, Ohio. Vessel Home Port PWitG - 50... Alpena, Mich. Diligence 207542550 .2 5 Two Harbors, Minn. Ossipée 2... Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Rush Marquette, Mich. CYawiord< 5.53.44. 40) te Buffaloz N. Y- Lepare 32 Oswego, N. Y. Prederick Bee 222. - 223 AAs oe. Toledo, Ohio JOCkSO ee: Gharlotte, No ¥. Die a Erie, . Pa. Tahoe 92s a Cleveland, Ohio Cs Port: Huron, Mich. © Gi. Grosse Pte., Mich. Cty 1s. Wyandotte, Mich. C45. 710 2. ee Cleveland, Ohio Tenders Aimdranth 2.4 12 Duluth, Minn. PSG 6.5. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Cherry eae ee Buttato.. ye XY. Dahlia 2.2.2. 6 ee Detroit, Mich. CrOCUuS © 25 ee ee Buffalo. N.Y, Maple jo... Ogdensburg, N. Y. 'Vamatack .0., 2... (.e, =... | Detroit, Mich: Walout 2 Detroit, Mich.