a ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 236 Upper Ottawa Improvement Co., Ltd., Ottawa, Ont. No. No. No. No. No. No. 237 238 239 240 241 242 Bit. Sir. Sir. Str. Str: Stir: Str. Sir. Str. Sir. Castor Fraser, Alexander Frontenac Greene, G. B. Hamilton Hercules Pattee 2d G. B. Pollux Powell;.C. B: Wambis Valley Camp Coal Co. of Canada, Ltd., E. G. Mathiott, Mer., 80 Richmond St. W.,fororito, Ont. Str. Valley Camp Valleyfield-Beauharnois Nav. Co., Ltd., Valleyfield, Que. Str. Rideau Queen Vermilion Sand & Gravel Co., Vermilion, Ohio. Sit, holst, R. W. Vittie, Capt. R., Southampton, Ont. Str. Pedwell, Henry Wabash R. R. Co.,.G. H: Sido, Mer. 611 Olive: St., Ry. Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Str. Detroit Str. Manitowoc Str. Transfer Str. Windsor Walkerville & Detroit Ferry Co., Foot Campau St., Phone Fitzroy 1038, Detroit, Mich. Str. Essex Str. Halcyon Str. Wayne No. 243 Weddell, Rob. G., Division St., Trenton, Ont. Tug Aurelia Tug Weddell, R. G. No. 244 Wells Construction Co., L. A., L. A. Wells, Mgr., Scofield Bldg., E. Ninth and Euclid, Phone CH 3390, Cleveland, Ohio. Bge. Kelley, Norman Bee... Pellett, [. H. Tug Red Crown Luge Stella 8. Scow Wellston Scow Wawasee Tue J. R: Spankle Tug Edward K. 'No. 245 West Ports Steamship Line, 108 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Str. Kenosha Str. Sheboygan Str. Waukegan No. 246 Wilson Transit Co., J. S. Wood, Pres., A. T. Wood, Megr., M. E. Kingsbury, Supt., J. G. Wood, Pur. Agent, 960 Rockefeller Bldg., 600 Superior Ave. N. W., Phone Main 0805, Cleveland, Ohio. Str. Hebard, Charles S. Str ireland, KR. EL. Str. Kendrick, Edward S. Str, Kinney, A. 7, Str. Kalas, Ee 4. Str. MacNaughton, James Str. Osborne, A: W. Str. Paul, Charles A. 123