TABLE. II--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE SUPERIOR. Other tables to which 37.36 35 34 33. 32 Sh 30°29. 28: 27. 26 29° 24 23 22.21 20 19°18 171-1615 14 1S 12 1 10° 9 8 F629 4 initial points Nos. 1-4 Go o are common: 2 i = fa) o IlI--Lake Michigan. us = : = = 2 ee IV--Lake Huron and = G A x a & ¢ a n g c : 5-2 5 a 3 a St. Marys River so 2 & SiS = mle 3 " g jae 1 8 =| 2 = s = Sie V--Lake Erie, St. a2 2) 8 2 eS A ee Se ee E ojpe & &| ge) ¢ ¢ fiu 3 4) ¢ Clair, Detroit and = 8 9 So ob = & Ss Bo = x 6 = 3 2 2 glee = Ble ge eR | £ oo ete a al o Niagara Rivers. S 2 els 6 Sie 2 y lee = 2. = e Ss 8195 = & e ae vo & 208 3 4 99 g [ Vi--Lake Ontario & a a Sie 8 Giles 2 = Oe Si) @ & S126 32: 2+y 2 2) se ] sa 8.9 Ule ee. = 4 St. 'Lawrence River 5 3 a a Pe £ a 2 So e A D 2 A 2 < 6 a = a sie o < a 8 3 = Ss S a ie 5 5 4 ~ DN 1} Port Colborne (V1) 668 698 692| 772 813 '849 848 806 839) 881 947 971] 969 941 913] 922 926 851] 808 798 794! 80 : ee 0 792 783| 781 766 765) 794 781 736) 707 668 619] 577 sees ees oo I! 360 391 385} 465 503 542] 541 498 532 574 640 664] 662 633 606] 614 618 544) 501 490 487) 493 485 476] 473 458 458] 486 473 429] 400 361 311} 269 ackinac oint (IT[)| 181 212 206] 285 324 363) 362 319 353] 395 461 485] 483 454 426] 435 439 365] 322 311 308] 314 306 297| 294 279 279) 307 294 249] 221 182 134] 90 ee ae Marie GW), 3. 91 121 116) 195: 234 273 272 229 263) 305 371 394] 393 364 336} 345 349 "274 *232 221 218) 224 215 207) 204: 189 189} 217 204 1591131 92 421... ; WwW | Ss + Porat ea 54:83 74) 153. 192) 231) 230 187" 221263 wee Pores ool eee a) #02 30? eee 190 179 176): 182.173 165] Jo2 147: 147) 17S. 162 117) 89, 50. Grand Marais, Mich..... 78:102 70); 144 171. 198) 197 154° 1821 224 *289 *312(%310 *282 "252|7260 °264 "187)-143. 133 130} 135 127 119] 123 108 105} 129 114 68) 40... 1. a MaNNIsiNg 2.6... 412 136. 97) 162. 179 193|-192 150 1741°212. "271 *293)*291 *263 *233/"240 *245 *168/"124 114 111} 116 108 99] 113 100 931 110-93 47). 8! Marquette (docks )....... 135 154 112/160 164 171) 170 128 *149\"181 %239. *261/*260 231 *201|°209 213 *136| 93 984 81) 84 76 68] 91 76 67) 78 -62.-.) 2... 9} Huron Bay (village ...... 165 179 132] 159.152. 1571 156 113 "L10\*142: *201 --*2231°222 *193 *163)"171 "175 *98| 54. 44 «411 46 38 30l 74. 60 441. 99... : eae re - . AEE ae ee 'ae ed a Se ah ae = aH *186 *208|*206 *178 5148 fies *160 83 432 29°26). 31°23 141 70 71 Slice Mendota Canal... 22.23... a 121 8 103) 14 212. 234)-232. 204 7174/7182 7186 "10l 69 55). 5215850. 4 42° 27 es. 12| Copper Harbor.....,....; 137 145 100} 112 99° 100/99 56-2 77) 119. 185. -208|. 206 178 150), 159. 163° 88) 45 56 59) 71. 65 60) 16.23. 2. 13) Bagle Harbor... 3....... 151 159 114) 122 =: 102 96) 95 53° 65} 1705 170° 194)°192 163 1351 143 147 721. 31 ai 45) 57 S50 S56 steven 14| Portage Butty.... .......1 168 181 135) 157 149 71301129. 94 FB T1IS: FIFE *1951%192 F163 71 33)7141 "145 68) 925 «18 AN) OT? 9h ee a «< 15) Chassell 05 2... ee 177 190 143] 166. 145 125) 124. 89° 76) 108 166 188] 187 158 :128) 136 140 63) 20 9 O) V2 oe le es ee o Vol Lake landen ........:.... 185 198 151) 174 151 131; 130 05 82) 113° 172) 194). 193 163 ENS4 142.0946 69 26 15 TI ee a ee nee 17) Dollar Bay 2. ...:2....... 180 192 146) 163 139 +119) 178. -83. 70) 102 160 182).18! 152 122). 430 134. S7i 14 Be, Geo i eee Soe ee - PS) Houghton 2 63. 182 195 149] 160 136. 116) 115 80 . 67| 99. 157 --179)-178 149 119] 127 131 54) 11 2... 2... SAG Gav eueig Vecchi ake et eas eases : 19| Portave Upper Entrance. 180 187 142] 149. 126: 105/105. 69. 56) 88° 147. 169] 167 139° 1091 116 120. 44)... ook te ee a es 20) Ontonagon ).2.4. 255.55. 5. 221-228. 1831-189 165. 117) 116 103 6S 76: 114 «136,135. 106 74) 78 82 2 ee a ea ee ell Ashland = ..2....... 2.25: 295. 304 258! 261 227. 1641163 165 115] 85 71 93). 92. 63 . 16 See el ek ee ae ble aoa ye eee ee sae s 991 300 254| 256. = 222 160) 159 161 111) 81 67 89 88 59 12 EXPLANATION, Bayhela oa... :. 282 291 246] 254 221 149] 148 152 99) 70 57 738 77 49%. : ° 4 : " 24] Port Wing cc. 512 319 275] 272 238 169) 468 175 121) 83 2 SH 8, mle ee ee ae a5 Guperwy. 5) 16. l ae 340 347 4031 200-259. «1951 195 199 1471 107 8. Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence pro- Si DM 342 349 305| 300 259 195] 194 200 147/105 26 ...-]o... week eee. ceedbie wectard Alte he ou ee 27| Pwo Harbors..::......--- S19 427 81 277-236 192] 17 ATT 124 82 de ce ee 2 : : wee For determining distances to points located in other lakes, distances 28| Grand Marais Minn..... 950 266 214; 400 sr 021 St. 99 AT Le a from all places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 20) Rock of Ages"... 209 213 1711 155. 112 49|° 48 53 oe 1 to 4, which also appear in the other tables respectively indicated 30| Passage island :.......... 164 166 127) 102 63 AA 93 ae by numeral designation. The through distance from a given point in : this table to a given point in any other tables is the sum of the 31) Cort Willianmi. 2. 207 209 170} 141 101 She a a ae respective distances to each given point from the initial point which is 32) Port Arh. (222571208 209 171 142 102 a a de ee ce ee common to the two tables. Thus, Port Huron being the common point 33 Rossport ZU s esos She wee pte 157: 155 125 TN ee ee ee Se a ee ee Oa inch sees for determining distances from Lake Superior points to points in , : . as ce Lake Erie (table V), a through distance would be derived as follows: : a ee reece eee a 49 mee tte ee ees sheer ee eet Port Huron to Ontonazon .............. ees eve ce eee . 544 36| Michipicoten Harbor....| 32... 000)... ee eo) Port Huron to Dunkirk ........... seshersesececsceces 304 ay! Ghosantua Harbor 6 Do Ontonegon to Dunkirk. ..........%. re . 838 a From Fort Gratiot range. b fron ling 3 course point north of cht c From abreast east end of U. 8S. center pier. 279 *Via Keweenaw Waterway.