TERMINALS, LOCATIONS AND FACILITIES ON NEW YORK STATE BARGE CANAL--Continued = 0 ag | ° Buildings : Location-- "3 oo o = S Terminal ae °° S = Street Approaches Track Connections Cranes Derricks Street oo ag ak Brick or ae a5 22 Frame Steel HA QO & New York: Blushing 2... :<..2;. Harper Ave.) .... 398 12 1 32200) Jackson Av. & Haeper Av., Nene 9.2... None ..2.2.-2.. 3... None Gowanus -Bay ..... Conmnbia 00.16: 602; 1230x : 150 M.P.) 35 9% t toxs2 1106x1181 Columbia St) 2. 3...) =; Lighterage only ..... 2 3-ton semi-portal..1 1-ton Brown : hoist Greenpoint (........ Dupont: 2.2. 300; (320x26 pier; 410x 99 pier) 18 On so: 1 161x61; 1 402x50. Dupont St. 2.3.23... Lighterase only <.:.. 2 3-ton semi-portal.. None Hallets: Cove ...23.... Boulevard ......: 800 14 11% None = = ...... Boulevard and Broadway... Lighterage only ..... None 3.00.20) 2. None Lone Island City <:. N. Jane .........2 681 1) 105 1 200550 North. Jane St. .....525.. .- lighterage only... Noné 32) 20 None Mott dlavem 2.2... Exterior <2... 2. 603 be OS 1 82x304; 1 80x30. = Exterior St... Bronx <2 50. Lighterage only ..... 1 2 ton auto. i. 6 22. None Prer'5, eR. .. Se SOOUlLh 682. cea. 570x70 14 9% None .u55.. South St... ee Lighterage only ..... None ae None © |} Pier 6, 1K. 2202s. South. 2.225...) 574x85 14 OF ee. 1 490%50. South St. 2.024 Lighterage only ..... 2 3-ton semi-portal; 2 1%-ton overbead trolley. 22... None West 53rd 3522. 2. 12th Ave:, N. R.: 700x90 15 Oe ae 1-560x50 12th Ave. No R 22.2.2... Lighterage only ..... 2 3-ton semi-portal.. None N. Tonawanda ....:. Sweeney .::...... 800 14 Gye 1 100x24 =. Sweeney: St. -2......60.0..4.. INOHEG 3.20 None? 35.2... 1 25-ton: stiff leg Oswego (hake): ....: West Ist: ....; aa 1,000x150 12 9 eee: 1 100x124 = West First St. .22...2..2.... DL. & We ROR 1 S-ton tull portal... ; (not in commission). None Osweno (river) ...... Hast ist ..5.5.... 729 i2Z. 8 tL 51xg3) 7 ee. Hast Seneca St. 2:2: ..:. ROONONE (2c e io None 27..22....5..3. None Palmyra. 2.2826 Catial (3.66.00). 570 Ge NOME oc ee eee ce Nome 93. .702 Nope Ai. None Pittstord 2...) 3. Canal 2. oe.) oe: 400 12 6 None 2... INOHG 6 oo ae NONE. 22 NOG 2 ose None Plattsbure =. 20.3. 33. JNONE 52.455. 3:. ae 400x200 12 614 None =... Cumberland Ave. ........... None 300235255. i 2-ton~ Byers =....:. None Port Henty 32......3 None? (22.5 555.50.5 500x75 12 6% 116x308 NONE 2220.02 D. & HH. Ro Ro... None :2........3:..... None Rochester (. 0.02.5. Court & Clarissa. 1,500 12 5% 1 320x32 1 400x50' Clarissa and Court Sts... ... Lehigh Valley R. R.2 2-ton el. overhead wharf; 1 2-ton auto: 1 5-ton el. gantry..1 4-ton stiff leg Rome | 2152.2 es: Rivet 2.02... 5: fe 910 12 6 (SPR O0) 2 Mill and Whitesboro: Sts.... None ................. 2 2-ton alto .c.2.... 1 12-ton steel; 1 2-ton timber Rouses Point = 3... None). 525. aoe 75x80 12 3u% None -- <...3. State St. Montgeomery St... None ..3...062.020..5. 3. St. Johnsvalle . 2.5 -.: RAVCE i5 Goes. 340 126 None) 4... Kast from Highway ........ None 250. 5.35.55. .5.. Nene 22.0570 2, None Schenectady .2.....-. Washington Ave. 1,000 12 7 1150x200). Water St. 3230-005... 2. Ne YC. Ry Re: 1-6-ton Ossood .. 7). 1 2-ton timber Schuylerville ........ Berry 2.3.2... 3.: 300 4% 2% None = 2... Saratoga and Ferty Sts.-... None 2.23. None .........2.22.. | None Seneca = Falls: (3 2. None =...2..... oe 1,200x400 foc. NOne 2) 2. NONE 2003 6. None (2552.6 NONE 2 205e.s None : Spencerport <...--...- Main. 332425. 270 12 3 1 16x30) 7 3 oe. Main St. 03, None i. .220.. 6.5: NONnG 2200s. 1 2-ton timber Sylvan Beach --.....: None oss 109 12528 None) 3... None) 00260 N.Y. Ont. & West. Ee VR. Ro None .....2...-5.. 3: None Sytacuse .-......-.. Solar 744....4-. 7, 2620 (2 piers : 350) 125 Po, Solar St ....... 3 SS ee D. L.+ée.W. R: BR...) 5-ton. travel bridge: 1 5-ton full portal; 1 10-ton Osgood steam; 1 2-ton auto. 4 2-ton timber 295