GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Storage capacity 2,000,000 bu. Marine loading spouts l. Capacity per hour of spout 20,000 bu. Can handle any size boat. Depth of water in channel 22 feet. Elevation charge 34c export, lc domestic. Days of free storage 15 from April 16 to Dec. 15--30 from Dec. 16 to Apirl i5 Loading capacity to cars per 10 hours 300,000 bu. Unloading charge per 1,000 bu. $4.00. Insurance rate per $100.00 valuation 9c per annum. R. R. Gonn.: Canadian National Ry. DEPOT HARBOR, ONT. Depot Harbor Elevator-- Phone 31. Lessor--Wm. H. John, Jr, Lid, Agents. Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, Que. Marine elevating legs 2. : Capacity per hour unloading 10,000 bu. each. Number of loading spouts 1. Storage capacity 1,600,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Days of free sotrage 15. Elevation charge per bu. 34c export and lc on domestic. Unloading $4.00 per 1,000 bu. Can handle any size boat. Can load 100 cars in 10 hours. R. RK Con: © NN. hy. Supt.--Tom Buchan. DETROIT, MICH. Commercial Milling (Henkel Elevator)-- Phone CH 4550. Foot of Brush St. (3d block east of Woodward). Commercial Milling Co., 323 E. Atwater St. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour unloading 6 to 10,000 bu. Storage capacity 225,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet, channel 27 feet. Can handle any size boat and any beam. R. RR. Conn: .G.- 7. Jo 71, Barrett, Mer, Supt--Frank Adams. Res. Phone Drexel 4506. DULUTH, MINN. Capital 4 and 5-- Phone Melrose 1454. Located at Rices Point in Main Harbor. Capital Elevator Co., Board of Trade Bldg. James S. Graves, Mgr. Phone Melrose 538. Storage capacity 1,300,000 bu. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour elevating leg 15,000 bu. Number of marine loading spouts 5. Capacity per hour of spouts 25,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 21 feet, 6 inches. Maximum length steamer that can load at elevator 650 feet. K. R. Conn: N. P., GN. Soo Omaha. Supt.--H. F. Graves. Res. Phone Hemlock 3072. Capital 6 and 7-- Phone Melrose 1990. Located at Rices Point in Main Harbor. Capital Elevator Co., Board of Trade Bldg. James S. Graves, Mgr. Phone Melrose 538. Storage capacity 2,800,000 bu. Number of marine loading spouts 5. Capacity per hour of spouts 60,000 bu. average. Depth of water at odck 21 feet, 6 inches. Can handle any size boat. Rk: K:.Conn.: N..PG.N., Seo, Omaia, Supt.--H. F. Graves. Res. Phone Hemlock 3072. 305