GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Canadian National-- Phone Dial 3-2441. Located on east side of harbor. Canadian National R. R. Co., W. U. Appleton. Storage capacity 500,000 bu. Number of marine loading spouts 13. Capacity per hour of spouts 15,000. Depth of water at dock 32 feet. Maximum length of boat that can load at elevator 550 feet. Elevating charge per bu. lc. Days of free storage 10. K KR. Conn: CN. K. and © PR: Supt--R. A. Smith. Res. Phone Hampton N. B. 28-24. Canadian Pacific Elevator "H'-- West side of Harbour. Operator, National Harbours Board. Storage capacity 1,575,000 bu. Number of traveling ship-loaders 14. Capacity per hour of traveling ship-loaders 20,000 bu. each. Maximum length of vessel that can load at berths 700 feet. Loading capacity two cars per 10 hours 100,000 bu. Insurance rates on grain per $100.00 valuation 10%c per annum. Unloading charge to vessel $4.00 per 1,000 bu. Ro Ro Conn: CoP. RR. Supt.--K. S. Miller. Res. Phone 4-3749. Megr.--H. J. Humphrey, Toronto, Ont. Gen. Agent--J. S. Clayton. SOREL, QUEBEC. North American-- Phone 893. North American Elevators, Ltd., Operators. W. EL Jonnson, Jr, Ltd, Agent. Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal, Que. Marine clevating legs 2. Capacity per hour each leg 25,000 bu. Storage capacity 3,000,000 bu. Number of marine loading spouts 4. . Capacity of loading spouts per hour each 30,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 30 feet. Maximum length of vessel that can unload 600 feet. R. R. Conn.: Canadian National: Supt.--C. E. Manning. Res. Phone Sorel 434. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. Calumet "A"-- Phone South Chicago 0663. Slip No. 2--102d St., W. Side River. Rosenbaum Bros., Inc., Board of Trade Bldg., Phone Wab. 6971 Marine elevating 'legs none. Marine loading spouts 5. Capacity per hour of spouts 60,000 bu. Storage capacity 1,800,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 19 feet 6 inches. Maximum length of boat that can load 530 feet. Ro KR. Conn: Belt. Line. Supt.--Wm. H. Gassler. Megr.--W. H. McDonald. Calumet "B"-- Phone South Chicago 0663. Slip No. 2--102d St., West Side of Calumet River. Rosenbaum Bros., Inc., Board of Trade Bldg., 141 W. Jackson Blvd., Phone "Wab. 6971. Mer--Wm. H. McDonald. Marine loading spouts 4. Capacity per hour of spouts 75,000 bu. Storage capacity 1,000,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle boats up to 600 foot length any beam. R. R. Conn: Belt Line. Supt--Wm. H. Gassler. Res. Phone Saginaw 4473. Calumet "C"-- Phone South Chicago 0663. Slip No. 2--102d St., West Side Calumet River. Rosenbaum Bros., Inc., Board of Trade Bldg., 141 W. Jackson Mer.--_Wm. H. McDonald. Blvd., Phone Wab. 6971. Marine loading spouts. 3. Res. Phone Saginaw 4473. 319