GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Tiffin No. 2-- Phone 166-W. Canadian National Rys., Midland, Ont., Phone 166. Mouth of Wye River. : Storage capacity 4,500,000. Marine elevating legs 3. Unloading capacity per hour 36,000 bu. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity per hour 12,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 26 feet. Days of free storage 15, winter 30 days. Elevation charge export 34c, domestic lc. Can handle any size boat. Shoveling charge $4.00 per 1,000. RR: Comm: © N, Ry. Supt._C. A. Flowers. Kes. Phone 380. TOLEDO, OHIO B. & O-- Phone Taylor 0061. Norris Grain Co., Geo. D. Woodman, Vice Pres., W. A. Board- mran,. Treas. 'Produce Exchange Bldg. Phone Adams 6222. Res. Phone Jefferson 0758. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour unloading 10,000 bu. North of B. & O. coal dock. Marine loading spouts 2. Capacity loading spouts 10,000 bu. Storage capacity 500,000 bu. Elevation charge per bu. lc. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Unloading charge per 1,000 bu. $4.75. Can handle any size boat. eh Conn: B&O. FP Co. N. ¥. ©. HV. N. K.P. W. L. BT, Of. Supt.--Geo. Shirey. East Side Iron-- Phone Taylor 2643. North of N. Y. CC. Bridge. Norris Grain Co., Geo. D. Woodman, Vice Pres., W. A. Board- man; 1réas., 'Produce Exchange Bldg. Phone Adams 6222. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour unloading 10,000 bu. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity loading spout 12,000 per hour. Storage capacity 1,500,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Unloading charge per 1,000 bu. $4.75. Elevation charge per bu. Te. Insurance rate per $100.00 valuation 1lc per annum. Can handle any size boat. R: RR Conn.* -N. YY. C, Penna. B & O: Supt--Wm. Y. Smith. Phone Taylor 2643. National-- East of Ash-Consaul Bridge. National Milling Co., John H. Bailey, Mgr. Phone Pontiac 3441. Branch of National 'Biscuit Co. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour. unloading 15,000 bu. Storage capacity 4,400,000 bu. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity per hour 15,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Days of free storage 10. Unloading charge per 1,000 bu. $4.90. Overtime 75c per 1,000 bu. | Trimming charge $1.00 per 1,000 bu Can handle any size boat. R. RK, Conn.: W. & L. &. Gen. Supt._--William C. Buck. Res: Phone Main 2493. Supt--Steve Molnar. Res. Phone TA. 1183-J. 323