STEAMSHIP Name Fleet No. India Navigation 5.000 26. Inland Emeés, Lids ooo. 108 International Trausil (6. 6 Hi Inter-Provincial Sicamsiips, bil... I3 Inter-Ocean Steamship (0 (22) 6 2 223 Inter-State Stesnishin (6. 2 114 Island Fransportotion (G2... 115 J. A. Patsley Steadiship Co... 167 Kelly [Slaud Lime & Transport Co 2 119 Keystone Transports, (id... 120 Kinsman Frans £65.30 0 [21 La Belle Sieameiip (oe 98 Lake Chelan SS (6. 2.0 19 Lake Erie Naw Co £14 00. 124 Lake Head Transportation Co bid = 125 Lake Tankers Corp. 522 127 Lakes. & St. Lawretice Nay Co, 14d 128 Leathem D. Smih Sicaisus (6 157 McCarthy, J. 4. Steaua Co 136 McKellar Steamships (ic 2 193 Mackinge Ttans Ce 139 Mahoning Steamchin €e =... 2 16 Maid of the Mist Steamship Co, lic 2 140 Marine Tankers Jie 4 45 Marquette & Bessemer Dock & Nav Co 4... 2 143 Michigan-Atlaniic Corp 2.) 144 Midland S-S Eiice ince 146 Mid-West Trans €e 148 Midwest Vessel Corp =. 147 Minnesota-Atlantic Transit €O..... 149 Mohawk Maviestion (Co, Lic 2.0. 2 150 CORPORATIONS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Name Fleet No. Montreal & Cornwall Navigation €o., Lid. ....2...0 151 Morrow S. S.Co. 22. 167 National Motorship Corp. .. 0... 73 National Steamship Co. ....5...-52.61...2 223 Newayeo Tue Line, Inc 30... 155 Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto. Nav. Co; Lid... _.. 156 Niebotson Transit Co: =....,5............53..,. 7 157 Nicholson Universal SS. Co.)..34 0.52.2 158 North American Transports, Etd. ......2.2.. 2... 159 Northland Steamship (o, Lid... 2.2. 235 Northwestern (6. (20,7455. 2 3 162 North West Steamships, Lid. ......5.....5.. 2 161 Northern Navigation (oe, Lit. ....:.... 322220 3 8, oe Notris Steamship Co. Ltd ...2 235 Overlakes: Freight Cotp, =... 158 Paisley, |. A. Steamshm ©€o. 2... 02-3... 167 Paterson. Steamiships. Lid. 3)... 168 Pennsylvania & Ontario Transportation ©o.°.....2. 0 |. 172 Pere Marquctte S. 5 Co. . 33... 173 Perry Steamship Co © ....2 2 2 $e 59 Petoskey Trans Co... 3.0.0 oe 174 Pioneer Steamship Co. ......... 105 Pioneer lranspottation Co, Lid: .2)........ 2. to 178 Piltspureh Steamship Co... 0.0.02... 180 Prescott & Oegdéensbure Ferry Coe, Lid... 181 Presque [sie Transportation Co. .,..4...5.... 5.2.7... 7 | 43 Pripete Barge Line Co. .......00.7.......4.5. 183 Progress Stéanriip Co, ..........2.... 24... 44 Onebée & Ontario Trans. Co. Ltd... ... «2 186 337