COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. Storage capacity 275,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: Soo Line Plantico Coal Co., V.-- Location: Across from Manitowoc Ship Building Co. V. Plantioc, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 5,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle 450-foot boat with any beam. Length of dock 350 feet. fh. R&R. Conn.: Soo Lime. Reiss Coal Co., The C. (C. & N. W. Dock)-- Lake Front Dock. C. & N. W. Slip. Gen. Office: Reiss Bldg., Sheboygan, Wis. Purchasing Agent--J. P. Reiss. Mer.--cC. L. Sutter. Phone 2604. 1 Heyl & Patterson Bridge. 6 ton clam shells used. Capacity per 10 hours 3,500 tons. Storage capacity (Bituminous) 175,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Can handle any boat up to 550 feet. Length of dock 1,400 feet, slip 1,100 feet, width 60 feet. E.R. Conn.: ©. & N. W., Soo: Line. Supt----Joseph Revolinsky. Phone 2965. Spindler Co., The-- Location: South side of river between Ninth and Tenth St. Bridge. Oftice: Tenth and Quay Sts. Mer.--Edward Spindler. Purchasing Agent--J. E. Carey. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 5,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 12 feet, channel 22 feet. Phone 78. Can handle any length boat and beam. Length of dock 300 feet. Supt--W. A. Huchthausen. MARBLEHEAD, OHIO Kelly Island Lime & Transport Co.-- Dock located on Lake Erie. 1 conveyor 710 feet long. Can load 1,200 tons of stone per hour. Storage capacity of bins 5,700 tons. Length of dock 650 feet. Dépth of water at dock 19 feet. Length of boat that can reach dock 580 feet with 60 foot beam. R. R. Conn.: Lakeside & -Marblehead--N. Y. C. Supt.--S. E. Smith. Phone 521. MARINE CITY, MICH. McLouth Shipyard-- Phone 4. Location: On St. Clair River at mouth of Belle River. Office: 135 Maple Road. Pierce McLouth, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 20,000 tons. Can handle any size boat. Depth of water at dock 20 feet 15 feet from dock.. Length of dock 800 feet. Supt.--Pierce McLouth. MARINETTE, WIS. Diamond Coal & Dock Co.-- Phone 322. Location: Foot of Ogden St. N. S. Meyers, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Can handle 500-foot boats. RK. Ro Conn: ©. GN. OW. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 417