COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Wisconsin Ice & Coal Co. No. 1--- Wisconsin Ice & Coal Co. No. 2-- Phone LA 4880. Location: 10th St. i66t of Canal St. Office, 1518 E. North Ave. 1 Hannischfegere, 1 Osgood. 1 55-foot boom and-1 57-foot boom. Size of clamshells used 1% ton and 2 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 1,000 tons. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 80,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 fect. Maximum length of boat 600 feet with 60 foot beam. Rk. R. Conn: C. M. St. BF. & PC. & N. W--Soo Line. Supt--Henry Bierman, Jr. Res. Phone Edge. 4567-J. Phone LA 4880. Location: 12th St. foot of Canal St., Menominee River. Office, 1518 E. North Ave. Phone LA 4880. 3 Hannischfeger Rigs, 2 with 45 foot booms and 1 63-foot boom 2 1-ton clamshells used and 1 2%-ton. Capacity per 10 hours 1,000 tons. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 90,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Maximum length of boat 600 feet with 60 foot beam. R R. Conn. ©. M. St-P. & PC. & No W---So00 Line. Supt--Henry Bierman, Jr. Res. Phone Edge. 4567-J. Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co.-- Colby-Abott Blidge. A. J. Stirn, Mgr. Phone Daly 1111. Gen. Office, Hanna Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. South Menominee River (Wagner Slip). Phone Marg. 5107. 2 Mead- Morrison. 414-ton clamshells used. Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. Storage capacity 150,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet 6 inches. Maximum length of boat 430 feet with 52 foot beam. & RR. Conn. St Paul ©. & N. W., Soo. Supt----Anthony Jaeck. Res. Phone Hanover 1181. Mer.--A. J. Stirn. Res. Phone Edgewood 6292. MONTREAL, CAN. Canada Cement Co., Ltd., Plant No. roe Location--Section 100 Montreal Harbor. Office: Phillips Square, Canada Cement Bldg. 1 Mead-Morrison Bridge. 5 ton clam shell used. Capacity per 10 hours, 2,500 tons. Storage capacity 150,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Maximum length of boat 600 feet up to 60 foot beam. R. KR. Conn: C.N, CF. Rk. Supt--A. G Beck. Purchasing Agent--M. A. Hoey. Canada Cement Co., Ltd.-- Location--Section 96 Montreal Harbor. Office: Phillips Square, Canada Cement Bldg. Montreal Harbor. 1 Mead-Morrison Electric Crane. 5 ton bucket used. Capacity per 10 hours 2,500 tons. Storage capacity 200,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 25 to 30 feet. Maximum length of boat 500 feet. RR. Conn. CN. €.P Ro ME RUN YC Supt.---A. G. Beck. Purchasing Agent--M. A. Hoey. Canada Cement Co. (Lehigh Dock)-- Located in the Bay of Quinte. Office: Canada Cement Bldg. 1 Brown Hoist. Size of clam shell used 1 yard. Capacity per 10 hours 500 tons. Depth of water at dock 16 feet. Can handle any length boat. R. R. Conn,: Thutfow R. Rh. ©. PF. Ro and ©. 7. Supt--J. H. Legate. Purchasing Agent--M. A. Hoey. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 427