COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued West Michigan Dock & Market Corp.-- R. McCrea, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Res. Phone 25-383. Length of dock 1,400 feet, slip 1,000 feet, width 400 feet. RK. Conn G ft, We, Pe RR. P.M. Supt.--L. H. Conger. Res. Phone 23204. Sand Products Corp-- First National Bank, Detroit, Mich. 1 conveyor with 52 inch belt, length 660 feet. Capacity 1,250 tons per hour. Ground storage capacity 45,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 30 feet. Can handle any size boat. No rail connections. Supt.--George Eke. Phone 23-227. Location: Muskegon Lake foot of Mart St. Length of dock 1,600 feet. Depih of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle any size beat. 2 traveling cranes and 116 ton hopper. 3 cranes, electric; steam, gas. Length of booms 90 feet and 50 feet. Reach of booms 70 feet and 30 feet. Capacity 55 and 20 tons. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 100,000 tons. Inside covered storage 30,000 tons, 2 warehouses. : Dock handles package freight, automobiles, wood, pulp, etc. m m Conn: £ BR KR, eo M. Supt--- Ww. G. Nord. Phone 252-457. White Lake Dock & Fuel Co.-- Operated by Sand Products Co. Located at White Lake harbor. Length of dock 700 feet. Depth of water at dock 10 to 16 feet. Use self-unloading boats only. Wisconsin & Michigan Steamship Co.-- Location: Muskegon Lake, foot of Mart St. Use dock of West Michigan Dock & Market Corp. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle any size boat. BR RR Comn.> 2. RK. YP. MM. NAPANEE, ONT. Wilson, Wilped S.-- Foot of West St. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 3,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 10 to 13 feet. NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Tonawanda Paper Co.-- Located on Niagara River. Byrne Fueling Corp. Dock-- Phone 2013. Located Niagara River, south of Tonawanda Iron Co. Mer.--John J. Pfeifer, 440 Main St., Tonawanda, N. Y. Night Phone 533-M or 133-W. 1 electric magnet. 1 derrick whirlie, will reach 25 feet from edge of dock. 1 electric magnet. Size of clam shell buckets used 1 yard. -Size of other buckets used 1% ton. Capacity per 10 hours 300 tons. Can handle 60 tons of steel per hour day and night. Storage capacity 50,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 15 feet. Maximum length of boat 400 feet, beam 35 feet. R. RR. Cons.:. Erie, N.Y. ©., Lehigh Valley. Tributary Conn.: N: Y. State Barge Canal, Supt.-- Leroy Redlick. Res. Phone 533-M. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS