COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Hall Corp., George-- Phone 311. East end of city, upper harbor. Mer.--Wayne Howe. Bunkering facilities. 1 McMyler Whirlies. Size of clam shell used 1 ton. Capacity per 10 hours 800 tons. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Depth of water at the dock 15 feet 6 inches. Can handle any length boat, beam only 48 feet. R: RK. Conn:: Kutland. Supt.--T. Spooner. Res. Phone 683. Hall Corp., George-- Phone 311. Location: Lower harbor. Office: 502 Riverside Dr. Phone 60. Wayne Lowe, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. 2 Mead-Morrison unloading cranes. Size of clamshell buckets used 1% ton. Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. 1 Brownhoist locomotive crane with 1%-ton clamshells. 2 Osgood tractor cranes with 1-ton buckets. 3,500 feet of trestle with 21 3-ton grab type cable cars. Hoppers for fueling or bunkering purposes. 1 60-ton, 2 40-ton, 1 20-ton. Storage capacity 120 ,000 tons bituminous, 20,000 tons anthracite. Depth of water at dock 20 ieect. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 800 feet. hm & Conn :. Rutland, N. Y. C. Supt.--Theodore Spooner. Res. Phone 683. Madden Coal Corp.-- Phone 111. 329. Main St. Geo. J. Madden, Pres. Located 1 mile west of Ogdensburg. Operated by Valley Camp Coal Co. Western Reserve Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Use self-unloading boats. : 1 Brown Hoist Caterpillar crane with 50 foot boom. Size of clam shell used 1% yard. Belt conveyor boom type bunker fuel rig. Link belt type with weightometer. Fueling capacity 300 tons per hour. Storage--open dock for self-unloading steamers. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle any size boat. OJIBWAY, ONT. Canadian Steel Co., Ltd.-- Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle any size boat. ONTONAGON, MICH. Lake Superior District Power Co.-- Use self-unloading boats only. Lake Superior Lumber Corp.-- Use self-unloading boats only. Ontonagon Fibre Corp.-- Use self-unloading boats only. Riverside Supply Co.-- Phone 51. Located east side of river. Use only self-unloading boats. No sheds, open storage on dock. Storage capacity 5,000 tons bituminous. Depth of water at dock 14 to 16 feet. Maximum length of boat 400 feet; beam, no limit. R. R. Conn: CoM. St P& PR: Megr.--E. J. Tousignant (Proprietor). SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 434