COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued PICTON, ONT. Hepburn Brothers-- Location: Head of Picton Bay. Mer.--J. D. Hepburn. Purchasing Agent--J. E. Hepburn. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 6,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 14 feet. Colliver & Huff-- Use self-unloading boats only. POINT EDWARD, ONT. Century Coal Co., Ltd.-- (5S 1. terminal foronto, Ont. Mer.--L. Herr. 1 McMyler. 1% ton clam shell used. Capacity per 10 hours 450 tons. Use self-unloading boats only. Fueling facilities for. boats. Storage capacity 10,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. & & Conn: ©. NR. Supt.--W. A. Lewis, Toronto, Ont. PORT ALFRED, QUE. Saguenay Terminals, Ltd.-- : Location: Ha Ha Bay, Saguenay River. Office: Arvida Que Aluminum Co. of Canada, Ltd. Waiter ©. Duncan, Vice Pres. 4 locomotive cranes. Capacity per 10 hours 2,000 tons. Storage capacity 45,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 30 feet. Length of dock 1,000 feet. PORT ARTHUR, ONT. (Cc. N. Ry.)-- 3 Mead-Morrison. 2 ton clam shells used. Capacity per 10 hours 6,000 tons. Storage capacity 500,000 tons Bituminous. Storage capacity 156,000 tons Anthracite. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can unload boats of any size. R R Conn: © N.C. P Supt.--R. S. Richardson. Steel Rail Unloading Docks-- Canadian National Railway. PORT BURWELL, ONT. Valley Camp Coal Co. of Canada, Ltd.-- SO: Richnrond St. W., Toronto, Ont. Use self-unloading boats entirely. Store coal direct on dock, or direct to cars. Storage capacity 60,000 tons. 2 McMyler cranes. Size of clam shells used 2 ton. Capatity per 10 hours 1,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 600 feet, slip 600 feet, ee 100 feet. Rm, Ro Conn.: ©. PB. RK. Mer --Norman Coulter. PORT COLBORNE, ONT. Canada Cement Co., Ltd.-- Location: On Welland Canal. aMin Office: Canada Cement Bldg., Montreal, Que. Purchasing Agent--M. A. Hoey. Use self-unloading boats only. SEE OUR COMPLETE MAPS OF HARBORS 437